Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
You know the drill :lol:

Thursday: DJing 20:00 - 21:15 at my Transcend party. Phil Dicko is also playing later on in the evening. I will ensure I don't get quite so drunk this time round...
Friday: University, then toying with the idea of MoS for Cosmic Gate.
Saturday: Relaxing, catching up with uni work.
Sunday: Film night. Undecided on what to watch yet. Suggestions?
In the future we should always do this. Wait until Wednesday for a Weekend Reports thread and simultaneously outline plans for the following weekend :)

Friday - Probably meeting friends at the pub to start, then to Gipsy for Apollonia (Dyed Soundorom, Shonky, Dan Ghenacia) and when their set is done go to Krysha Mira for Booka Shade 8)

Saturday - Watch football in the early evening, then hopefully a dinner date of some sort. Might drop by a friend's housewarming party. Could end up in a bar or two later.

Sunday - Cooking Peruvian food at my place for a group of friends.
Miserable weekend ahead. Stuck in Peterhead while all the other lads travel home for a weekend off. I haven't even had a pint since I've been here so may wander around town on Friday to see what's going on. My guess is not a lot. Saturday will be a pub day, watching the football and rugby. That is unless I can find cheap trains to get to Wigan for the football, but I really should stay put and save the cash as that is the main reason I'm in Scotland.

Sunday I'll chill out, watch football, and make arrangements for my weekend in London in 4 weeks time that I just bought flights for. Meeting friends and heading to XOYO for The 2 Bears and Cajmere which I'm looking forward to. Anything to get me through being stuck out here miles away from civilisation and spending my whole life at work!
then toying with the idea of MoS for Cosmic Gate.

Urrrrrggghhhh, I personally wouldn't bother. Rong was ace last week but when Cosmic Gate were on I headed straight for room 2. The 4 or 5 times I popped my head in was cheesetastic. Giuseppe Ottaviani more than made up for them though. Not a fan at the best of times though tbh
Friday - Out for leaving drinks after work however gonna try and steer clear of booze as want a clear head for

Saturday - Early evening dinner at SoLita in Manchester which I've heard really good things about. Then off to Liverpool for Cream Reunion 6, Graeme Park, Paul Bleasdale, Hybrid and J00F. Been looking forward to this night for months :)

Sunday - Back to Manc then popping into a couple of afters as a couple of mates in different groups have birthdays this weekend
Urrrrrggghhhh, I personally wouldn't bother. Rong was ace last week but when Cosmic Gate were on I headed straight for room 2. The 4 or 5 times I popped my head in was cheesetastic. Giuseppe Ottaviani more than made up for them though. Not a fan at the best of times though tbh

Wasn't that impressed last two times I saw Cosmic Gate either. Yeah I like their tracks, but I do like variety to a set. Not every track being one of theirs like they were at ASOT and MoS last year. Was hoping they'd shifted away from that :(
DS next weekend so I guess I should save myself. Bit of Schulz. :D
Miserable weekend ahead. Stuck in Peterhead while all the other lads travel home for a weekend off. I haven't even had a pint since I've been here so may wander around town on Friday to see what's going on. My guess is not a lot. Saturday will be a pub day, watching the football and rugby. That is unless I can find cheap trains to get to Wigan for the football, but I really should stay put and save the cash as that is the main reason I'm in Scotland.

Sunday I'll chill out, watch football, and make arrangements for my weekend in London in 4 weeks time that I just bought flights for. Meeting friends and heading to XOYO for The 2 Bears and Cajmere which I'm looking forward to. Anything to get me through being stuck out here miles away from civilisation and spending my whole life at work!
you could maybe try aberdeen one of these weekends when your up in scotland, i dont think peterhead is that far away (although i've never been to peterhead and my geopgrahy for that part of the world is very sketchy),

they have a very decent club in aberdeen called SNAFU, got some very decent lineups.

could be im up in aberdeen for the big beach ball thing they are doing in May if your about & not back down south by then:)

as for me this weekend is all about A Love From Outer Space on friday at the berkeley Suite in glasgow, my further addiction/obsession with this club night continues aplenty!...should be a big crowd of us for this, & catching up with a couple people since the bugged out weekender as well. so friday into saturday, rest of the weekend will be very quiet as a result!

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you could maybe try aberdeen one of these weekends when your up in scotland, i dont think peterhead is that far away (although i've never been to peterhead and my geopgrahy for that part of the world is very sketchy),

Yea that's the plan, there's nothing in Peterhead! It's only 40 miles to Aberdeen so not too much of a problem. I've done something that I always said I wouldn't do, and joined a well known dating website, it seems the only logical way to meet someone quickly here to save me going insane. The locals area strange bunch and the people I work with are all nearer 50 than my age! Been talking to a couple of girls in and around Aberdeen so I imagine I'll be going out there soon.

I may well still be here in May so will keep an eye on that. I'm trying to get things booked up so I've got something to look forward to, it really helps when you're feeling so detached from the rest of the world! Just booked flights to London for a long weekend in 4 weeks time, meeting the Ibiza and Bugged Out crew and some other London friends, and going to XOYO for The 2 Bears and Cajmere. Also going to book up We Are FSTVL for the end of May, it's not quite Space and Sankeys opening but a good compromise, looks like it should be a good one and not everyone can manage Ibiza that soon.
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The locals are a strange bunch

The dourest of the dour up Aberdeen way :lol: ... don't forget Gordon Brown originated from those parts (if I remember right !)

Been talking to a couple of girls in and around Aberdeen so I imagine I'll be going out there soon.

Plenty of money round there - maybe one of them will buy you a drink or two ;)
Well, I've got a date on Friday. I'll pay but try to work out whether she's minted or not.... Can't believe I've got to drive 40 miles just to get to somewhere worth taking someone out!
Todd "the God" Terry tonight! :)

Looking forward to it massively! Will be an older crowd. No shufflers, no agg.
You know the drill :lol:

Thursday: DJing 20:00 - 21:15 at my Transcend party. Phil Dicko is also playing later on in the evening. I will ensure I don't get quite so drunk this time round...
Sunday: Film night. Undecided on what to watch yet. Suggestions?

How did it go Ben & Phil? Django is a decent film if you havent seen it yet.

Another quiet weekend for me, just watching and playing football.
Weekend is looking up..just got the ok from the OH to go to Wolf&Lamb tonight @the button factory in Dublin..:D
The dourest of the dour up Aberdeen way :lol: ... don't forget Gordon Brown originated from those parts (if I remember right !)

Plenty of money round there - maybe one of them will buy you a drink or two ;)
Funnily enough I jokingly refer to my Aberdeen pals (who can party with the best of them I have to say) as 'Aberdeen millionaires' due to oil money in the city

Gordon brown is from fife (Kirkcaldy)
Yea, I heard something on the radio the other day about Aberdeen having the fastest increasing house prices in the UK, or something along those lines. Lots of money in the oil and gas industry. Even travel from Aberdeen is more expensive than average, especially to other East coast destinations. Looked at flights to Norwich recently, nearly £300! I'll have to work on bagging myself an oil baron's daughter...
How did it go Ben & Phil? Django is a decent film if you havent seen it yet.

Another quiet weekend for me, just watching and playing football.

Went very well Chris. Absolute blast. Amazing sets from everyone who played, and the night flowed and built up perfectly from start to finish, as a Trance night should. Final DJ, Calvin, took it pretty dark about 12.45am and stayed that way until the end at about 1.30. We were busy enough to keep the bar open an extra half an hour. :)
Went very well Chris. Absolute blast. Amazing sets from everyone who played, and the night flowed and built up perfectly from start to finish, as a Trance night should. Final DJ, Calvin, took it pretty dark about 12.45am and stayed that way until the end at about 1.30. We were busy enough to keep the bar open an extra half an hour. :)

That's quality, really glad to hear it. Will hopefully get myself down to one when I move down to London so it's not as far to go.
Good one, Ben. Glad that's going well for you! :D

I'm still recovering from my weekend. 3-day bender. Drowned my brain.