Weekend Plans?

Hahaha :lol: - Good man, I'm sure you'll love it.

Ibiza with kids can be just as good (albeit in a slightly different way) - once you accept that you ain't going clubbing - warm nights drinking a beer in the squares in ibiza town while the nippers snooze or run around has it's own charm.

Honest 8):lol:

It's even better when the kids are old enough to buy you that beer.....;)
Not been to bed before 5am since Thursday. Not on account of flouting my own life detox, though :eek:...

Friday - backwards and forwards to the local bike shop and Halfords with a wheel strapped to the back of my bike trying to get spokes and tools to fix up the wheels on a lovely 2nd hand mountain bike I bought off eBay and collected about a week ago. Endless fiddling in the kitchen till the small hours with spanners, screwdrivers and YouTube videos working out how to do it with the house to myself 8).

Saturday - Up at noon and back out to the bike shop and B&Q for more bits (15 miles of pedalling in all :rolleyes:) and to get them to loosen the cassette some ham-fisted mechanic had over-tightened on the back wheel and 2 hours of struggling had failed to shift. Big stock-up at Waitrose so no more shopping for a couple of days (getting a real pain !!). Huge steak dinner amidst the oily rags with Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and various other films to keep me from throwing a spanner across the room :evil:. Finished my tinkering after 4am with two beautifully serviced wheels complete with new tubes, gleaming clean cassette and innards, two sparkling brake discs and I even managed to get the monstrous knobbly tyres back on after half an hour and a split finger. First time I'd done any of that so was quite chuffed with myself by the time I crashed at 5am.

Today - up late again, cooked brekkie, sandwich and serious workout (though I think I overloaded the barbell squats from the state of my shoulders) and home to a roast chicken dinner. Evening ars*ng about trying to buy road bikes on eBay ready for the better weather (and failing after seller withdrew it) and coming to terms with paying a £6k tax bill which has left me feeling poor and downtrodden with all my spending dreams crushed in a single blow. I now realize that the cycle of hand-to-mouth living will never end for so long as I remain in Britan. Might have to do a bit more work at this rate !!!!! :eek: :evil: ... anyway, at least I'm kitted out for the big freeze... if it comes this far West.

I'm feeling geeky and middle-aged all of a sudden... but at least I've only had 2 days of depression in the last month, so something must be doing me good.

I've flying to Vienna for a midnight screening of Tom Ford's latest sock collection in a hot air balloon with Spandau ballet, then off to Paris to test drive the latest Maybach round the Champs Ellyses. Then on to the opening of a new bar co-owend by Lady gaga and Spike Jonze which has the Rolling stones playing an acoustic set.

Saturday going to a BBQ at Spike Jonze roof top Manhattan penthouse then off for lunch and llama wrestling with a group of illuminati friends i met in Patagonia.

Sunday probably watching Chelsea from the Russian space station via the latest cosmic telescope and finish it off with some bar hopping around downtown Budapest then getting the water taxi home.


Sorry I felt a bit Morbyd all of a sudden :lol:;)

Actually roared with laughter when I read that - a moment of creative genius.

cutting my hair

It's what all the best men do when they're home alone. Makes a change from wandering around the house in (or out of) your pants and lying on the sofa reading the paper !
I've flying to Vienna for a midnight screening of Tom Ford's latest sock collection in a hot air balloon with Spandau ballet, then off to Paris to test drive the latest Maybach round the Champs Ellyses. Then on to the opening of a new bar co-owend by Lady gaga and Spike Jonze which has the Rolling stones playing an acoustic set.

Saturday going to a BBQ at Spike Jonze roof top Manhattan penthouse then off for lunch and llama wrestling with a group of illuminati friends i met in Patagonia.

Sunday probably watching Chelsea from the Russian space station via the latest cosmic telescope and finish it off with some bar hopping around downtown Budapest then getting the water taxi home.

this made me grin too!

As for this weekend, upside was I found out I have incredible super duper power strength long distance vision, downside is I need my first pair of reading glasses as I am now finally getting older.

I spent a couple of hours wandering around some glasses shops before opting for the less stressful £1 pair from the £1 shop and going home for a roast dinner. Upside is I booked 18 days at Easter in Ibiza when I got home as I was feeling old and crap.
Alright... everyone make fun of the Morbyd man :p

I'm still recovering from jet lag that has had me sleeping split shifts of 10-12:30 and 6-10 every night since I got home on Tuesday (thus making me late each of the 3 days I've had to work this week) :confused:

Nevertheless, I will try to:

Fri - Head down to the pub for drinks, then get to Gipsy for Adam Shelton, Jordan Peak and Ralf Kollmann.

Sat - Prepare a batch of chicha - Peruvian corn beer 8) :D I germinated some of their oversized corn kernals that I brought back, then left the sprouted seeds out to dry this morning. Next step - to boil and mash them!
Then I'll pick up all the new suits I bought over Xmas from the atelier, watch football, and go to my friend's house party - ostensibly in honor of Gerard Depardieu's new Russian citizenship :lol:

Sun - Going to a friend's place for her housewarming/Old New Year party (Russians still celebrate the old New Year under the Julian calendar, which is 2 weeks off, in addition to the standard New Year. Any excuse to drink! :lol: )
I actually managed to do all this as planned (and made a batch of beef empanadas!)
Now wasted, at home, on a Sunday night, thinking about a girl who slipped away (it was her Old New Year party)!
Detox month for me:

Fri- Went to gym in the evening and then watched TV
Sat- Went to watch Brighton beat Derby then caught up with a friend
Sun- Did some marking and went to the gym in the evening

Bloody hell, I bored myself typing that :(
I actually managed to do all this as planned (and made a batch of beef empanadas!)
Now wasted, at home, on a Sunday night, thinking about a girl who slipped away (it was her Old New Year party)!

:( ... ah well, where are the beers ?

As for this weekend, upside was I found out I have incredible super duper power strength long distance vision, downside is I need my first pair of reading glasses as I am now finally getting older.

I spent a couple of hours wandering around some glasses shops before opting for the less stressful £1 pair from the £1 shop and going home for a roast dinner. Upside is I booked 18 days at Easter in Ibiza when I got home as I was feeling old and crap.

I don't think I could cope very well with needing glasses. It's also the 2nd hand car prices in those optical shops - half the time for contraptions which look totally like institutional medical aids with designer labels - enough to make anyone feel instantly vulnerable, exploited and sh*t about themselves ! Still, a story with a happy ending at least 8).
:( ... ah well, where are the beers ?

I don't think I could cope very well with needing glasses. It's also the 2nd hand car prices in those optical shops - half the time for contraptions which look totally like institutional medical aids with designer labels - enough to make anyone feel instantly vulnerable, exploited and sh*t about themselves ! Still, a story with a happy ending at least 8).

I haven't worn them yet, it feels too weird. Maybe I will just give up reading books instead. I have a kindle and you can make the text bigger which is how I have survived for a few months. You can't stop getting older! Still, at least I get to go to Ibiza as compensation.