Weekend Plans?


Well-Known Member
Second week of Jan relaxing?


Picking up a 'travel system' for The Muckley (TM) and looking at wedding venues.

Rock 'n' roll indeed:lol:
I've not got anything that can beat it!

Tonight: Nothing
Tomorrow: Work, then nothing
Sunday: May go exploring, to get out of the house!
Nothing too excitin for ones practically wifey self!!

Tonight - might pop down to the local as they have live bands on, so we shall see if theyre any good tonight. Detoxing this month completely so the bf wasnt impressed when i said i wont be drinking!
Saturday - Morning gym set as per usual, then we are going to brave the january sales to see what bargain buys we can pick up mainly for our hols in June.
Sunday - Probably gym set then moan we are bored - might need to sort that issue now lol
Final weekend of my pre Bugged Out January detox.

Tonight - round a mate's for a catch up and planning of various activities for this year.

Tomorrow - up early, go for a run, pick the lads up to go to the pub for midday. A day of watching football and drinking soft drinks.

Sunday - write a new CV as I haven't had one up to date since I was 17. Write covering letter for a new job I'm going for.

Productive, but lacking excitement. That'll come next weekend.
Sunday - write a new CV as I haven't had one up to date since I was 17. Write covering letter for a new job I'm going for.

I need to re-write mine, not changed it in years as well.

Another quiet weekend for moi. Long run tomorrow and Old Trafford on Sun to watch the scousers win :D
I'm still recovering from jet lag that has had me sleeping split shifts of 10-12:30 and 6-10 every night since I got home on Tuesday (thus making me late each of the 3 days I've had to work this week) :confused:

Nevertheless, I will try to:

Fri - Head down to the pub for drinks, then get to Gipsy for Adam Shelton, Jordan Peak and Ralf Kollmann.

Sat - Prepare a batch of chicha - Peruvian corn beer 8) :D I germinated some of their oversized corn kernals that I brought back, then left the sprouted seeds out to dry this morning. Next step - to boil and mash them!
Then I'll pick up all the new suits I bought over Xmas from the atelier, watch football, and go to my friend's house party - ostensibly in honor of Gerard Depardieu's new Russian citizenship :lol:

Sun - Going to a friend's place for her housewarming/Old New Year party (Russians still celebrate the old New Year under the Julian calendar, which is 2 weeks off, in addition to the standard New Year. Any excuse to drink! :lol: )
I've flying to Vienna for a midnight screening of Tom Ford's latest sock collection in a hot air balloon with Spandau ballet, then off to Paris to test drive the latest Maybach round the Champs Ellyses. Then on to the opening of a new bar co-owend by Lady gaga and Spike Jonze which has the Rolling stones playing an acoustic set.

Saturday going to a BBQ at Spike Jonze roof top Manhattan penthouse then off for lunch and llama wrestling with a group of illuminati friends i met in Patagonia.

Sunday probably watching Chelsea from the Russian space station via the latest cosmic telescope and finish it off with some bar hopping around downtown Budapest then getting the water taxi home.
Sorry I felt a bit Morbyd all of a sudden :lol:;)

I'm actually putting together my 3 yr old's new bed - and popping to the pub for a pint if i can get a baby sitter.
cutting my hair, running, cooking (homemade pizza plus chicken & sweetcorn soup, which I hope will be like the Chinese restaurant stuff this time!), nowt too exciting

Looking forward to getting home because I have a steak sitting out for my tea. :D
doing nothing this weekend need to save ££££ with bugged out next weekend, and feeling the effects of xmas / new year on the bank balance prior to getting paid at end of month.
I've flying to Vienna for a midnight screening of Tom Ford's latest sock collection in a hot air balloon with Spandau ballet, then off to Paris to test drive the latest Maybach round the Champs Ellyses. Then on to the opening of a new bar co-owend by Lady gaga and Spike Jonze which has the Rolling stones playing an acoustic set.

Saturday going to a BBQ at Spike Jonze roof top Manhattan penthouse then off for lunch and llama wrestling with a group of illuminati friends i met in Patagonia.

Sunday probably watching Chelsea from the Russian space station via the latest cosmic telescope and finish it off with some bar hopping around downtown Budapest then getting the water taxi home.

E2A: I've seen your next post now! lol

You've just copied that time when Morbs 'was having a relatively quiet one':lol:
Morbs: I remain in constant awe at your socialising.

Buckley: It's all glamour this parenting lark - but at least we're back to ibiza with our old crowd this year (albeit we all now have nippers in tow)8).
Morbs: I remain in constant awe at your socialising.

Buckley: It's all glamour this parenting lark - but at least we're back to ibiza with our old crowd this year (albeit we all now have nippers in tow)8).

Middle-age shout outs to your badselves!:lol:

(And pencil me, Melvis and The Muckley in for next year!)
Hahaha :lol: - Good man, I'm sure you'll love it.

Ibiza with kids can be just as good (albeit in a slightly different way) - once you accept that you ain't going clubbing - warm nights drinking a beer in the squares in ibiza town while the nippers snooze or run around has it's own charm.

Honest 8):lol: