Weekend Plans

Think you are only the second person I've met with worse eyesight than me. I rely on my contact lenses and have got a really old pair of specs for if I get an eye infection. I do need to get some more glasses really though although will be spending considerably less than £600!

I need new glasses too. Can't remember how much they were the last time, but I would have thought max £400 for designer + spare pair in Vision Express! I try to make them last as long as poss, despite the optician getting pushy anytime the prescription changes a tiny bit.
aye & that £600 was with my £240 discount off!!! (optical express)..
took out the insurance as well, insurance deal is a lot better now, £25 for 2 years and covers you for 80% of the cost.

to be fair, my presciption did change a wee bit last year, but the optician said the change was so slight not to spend the money on new specs at that time (this was when i was going through my yearly contact lens check)..so probably about 3.5/4yrs since my last complete new pair of glasses/lenses.

my last few frames have been designer, did try on a couple this time, but wasn't much that took my fancy or they had the big **** off logo on the side:oops: ended up getting those flexitron ones that seem pretty indestructible...we shall see!!:p
my weekend has been a disaster...
went out to meet some friends from Ibiza in Manchester...fainted, smacked my head resulting in a&e with an ecg and a concussion. :(
Have had a top notch weekend! :D

Eats Everything was awesome! Really liked the venue as well. It's been built in the cellar of a public house, and it is overlooked by a Napoleonic Fortress - Fort Amherst (http://www.fortamherst.com/) Low, intimate ceilings. The historic dockyard setting is littered with underground tunnels & caves, many of which interlink. Fantastic back drop for a club! Perhaps not the best of crowds (partly due to location unfortunately), but a top night nevertheless!


Then thought **** it, may as well go out on Saturday night as well! First time I've got on it two nights in a row since Ibiza! Had a launch night at my local with Hot Creations. Was packed the rafters by midnight! Not seen it that busy on a Saturday night in a long time. Again, not the best of crowds. Fortunately by 3am a lot of the scene-posers had flaked and had left, so it was only the hardcore left. The atmosphere was great and we partied until almost 7am!

There was talk of heading to Fabric after it ended. But that idea got veto'ed - perhaps for the best in retrospect! :lol:

Thought I'd be feeling it today, but am actually still bouncing off the walls!
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i did drink too much, but more im feeling a bit run down, and when im run down my heart likes to fail on me! I knew i shouldnt go out really but really wnated to see my friends :/
i did drink too much, but more im feeling a bit run down, and when im run down my heart likes to fail on me! I knew i shouldnt go out really but really wnated to see my friends :/
Good your ok, but Take it easy, especially since its sounds like this has happened before?

water or a soft drink can be your friend....
it happens regularly unfortunately, I do my best to manage it but at the end of the day, I cant stop living my life because of it...so I try my best.

Basically, my bloody pressure for an unknown reason has a tendancy to drop extremely low very suddenly, causing my heart to race at 120-130 a minute, then because its beating so fast the blood doesnt get oxygenated and so i faint...if Im in an upright position no blood gets to my brain causing seizures :(

Sometimes Im not the most fun to be around ha!
it happens regularly unfortunately, I do my best to manage it but at the end of the day, I cant stop living my life because of it...so I try my best.

Basically, my bloody pressure for an unknown reason has a tendancy to drop extremely low very suddenly, causing my heart to race at 120-130 a minute, then because its beating so fast the blood doesnt get oxygenated and so i faint...if Im in an upright position no blood gets to my brain causing seizures :(

Sometimes Im not the most fun to be around ha!
Woo, that sounds pretty serious...very unfortunate medical situation...but think your right , can't be a total prisoner too it, just hope your circle of friends know your situation & keep an eye on you.
best wishes my dear, hope your feeling better now anyway:)