Weekend Plans

no, we're walking everywhere. the wifey on the outside of the pavement to stop me from falling in when i'm tottering home at night.
Can't wait Helen! Last Content we went to was for Octave One, was unreal.

I go to most of them, Content is a guaranteed good night out. I'm still a trance girl at heart so Rong won this one. Gutted they are on the same night as know loads of people going to Content tonight. Missed the Octave One Content. Think it might have been on at the same time as Glasto last year? it clashed with something or other anyway. Never heard them do a set tbh. Only know Blackwater which is one of my favourite ever tunes. Have a good one mate :)
Friday - take Groom out for pre-wedding drinks

Saturday - be Best Man

Sunday - pack case for Ibiza and the closing parties! :D
Tonight - fly home from Ibiza.

Saturday/Sunday - remain locked in a dark room so to not inflict my pain and misery on anyone else. Then start thinking about writing a review, as this was comfortably the most eventful Ibiza trip yet. Need a good couple of days sleep first though.
Yesterday - entire day at the National Cycle Show at the NEC. Tested loads of bikes and came out an eye-watering sum the lighter ... with an electric bike being delivered Tuesday complete with 120km battery range :p .. if the Winter's a mild one (hope and pray) should help me get a heck of a lot fitter by Spring. Can't hack another Winter running back to cities to suffer through visits to the gym and far too much partying not enough sport this Summer !

Today - Back to beloved South West and down to the beach to swim this afternoon. Should just about have time for some gardening before the sun starts fading.

Tomorrow - weather looks a bit cr*p so likely be online ordering unfeasibly clingy bits of clothing with chamois sewn into the crotch, windproof thermal leggings, baggy shorts, and a silver safety helmet with really comfy padding inside. Those plastic frames are so irritating I'll be ripping the thing off inside 10 minutes if I don't get a seriously comfy one ! Drawing the line at shaving my legs :lol:
if the Winter's a mild one (hope and pray) should help me get a heck of a lot fitter by Spring. Can't hack another Winter running back to cities to suffer through visits to the gym and far too much partying not enough sport this Summer !
Our bike riding season maxes out at about 3 months. And since August was so rainy, I probably got less than 10 good rides in this year. Weather has been ok this week but now it gets dark so early that there's not enough light by the time you get home from work :cry:

Guess I'll be getting back on my step machine for the winter :lol:
Our bike riding season maxes out at about 3 months. And since August was so rainy, I probably got less than 10 good rides in this year.

I guess that's the rub ... mild Winter means lots of rain - you just have to get the right waterproof gear and live with it unfortunately ! Fully expecting to be soaked on a regular basis :lol:

but now it gets dark so early that there's not enough light by the time you get home from work :cry:

I got an integrated super-dooper light system for riding in the dark plus loads of reflective stuff ... again have resigned myself to riding at night ...... to get serious about it gonna have to integrate biking into normal life and stop wimping out in covered vehicles :spank: hope to god I stick it after all this effort getting set up :rolleyes: :lol:
Can't imagine riding in a Russian Winter tho' - whole different ball-game :!:
That, and riding in/around/across Russian roads at night. Any time you venture off the pavement is dangerous enough as it is!
Friday - at ALFOS with another poster. Was the most :eek: I've been in a while. No idea why it hit me so hard. Collecting the key from hotel reception felt like a mission. The chap didn't look too happy at the state of me. :oops:

Rest of the weekend: catching up on sleep, eating healthily, a few herbal cigarettes and films. Feel fine this morning. :D