Weekend Plans

Finally sorted a flight to Madrid in the morning. No cars or onward flights at sensible prices on-line at the moment so will have to wing it and see what I can do to get over to Ibiza as soon as I reasonably can tomorrow or Saturday.

Staying in Ibiza until Monday late afternoon. Can't wait :D
Friday-Lazy day, meant to be painting the outisde of the house but it's raining quite hard-typical.

Sat- Football season starts with a home derby against Bolton. Friends putting on a techno/house pre-party bbq (in this weather?!?) in a roof top bar in town, then Yousef is playing later at night at INFECTIOUS at the Kestrel Suite-not really a club but they do kit it out with a good sound system etc. Yousef is someone I enjoy watching wether it be at circus, ibiza or anywhere else we've caught him, and he is a big name for this town to get 8) 100% they'll be some pretty lengthy after parties

Sun-Probably a continuation of saturday, Mc Donalds double cheese burger and bed :eek:
Tonight - cont' to sort personal admin which has been a shambles for years... pension, tax etc. Stressed about it for 2/3 years... managing to sort in a day or two. :spank: Protaganism is a bad thing.

Sat - fly to Ire to visit mates... out in Carrick on Shannon Sat nigiht... stag/hen type place full of plebs, but usually a laugh.

Sun - Tipp v Limerick (hurling) @ Croke Park.
Finally sorted a flight to Madrid in the morning. No cars or onward flights at sensible prices on-line at the moment so will have to wing it and see what I can do to get over to Ibiza as soon as I reasonably can tomorrow or Saturday.

Staying in Ibiza until Monday late afternoon. Can't wait :D
AGAIN? It's just not fair!
Finally sorted a flight to Madrid in the morning. No cars or onward flights at sensible prices on-line at the moment so will have to wing it and see what I can do to get over to Ibiza as soon as I reasonably can tomorrow or Saturday.

Staying in Ibiza until Monday late afternoon. Can't wait :D

Good Luck!!!

AGAIN? It's just not fair!

My thoughts exactly :eek: :evil: :lol: :lol:
**** PARTY SUMMARY: Gained: black eye, cut knees, a coating of black body paint. Lost: Phone, shoes, money, entire costume, dignity. Memorable events: None, don't remember a thing! Photos to follow!