Weekend Plans

Tonight - going to a friend's place for dinner.

Tomorrow - T.B.D. Might start off with sunset drinks on the roof terrace at Krysha Mira or Strelka.

Saturday - Probably watch a little football. Maybe stop by Crisis Genre to see my friends' band play. Later on - Laurent Garnier @ Krysha Mira :D :D

Sunday - Definitely watch football. Maybe go for a bike ride. Then Gipsy for techno Sunday's with Tiefschwarz :D
Working Saturday, so not up to anything exciting:(

But do have some friends come round Friday evening I'm showing the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead film too who are wanting to start Juicing, and who don't have Netflix.
Nowt exciting. Probably staying in now till Ibiza, but that gives me plenty of time and energy to exercise. Plus the mushroom season was kicking off well when I went foraging a fortnight ago, so will be having another tramp around the local woods being a fun guy. :D
Doing a solitary 24 hour fast in the wilderness with no tent or distractions of any kind.

Hope it doesn't rain. :confused:
Tonight: Travelling down to Brighton
Tomorrow: House hunting, then maybe a few drinks
Saturday: More house hunting, then going to see Eddie Halliwell play at Digital. Maybe a BBQ if the weather stays nice
Sunday: Chill / Recover
Monday: More house hunting, then train back up north
I kind of started my weekend yesterday...

We had a lovely BBQ down on the rocks towards Cala Gracia, it was a friends birthday and also their last night in Ibiza so a very nice occasion. Around 30 of us made it, ate some lovely food courtesy of the boys who are chefs and watched the sunset with a few drinks. Spent ages trying to find some crabs to try and BBQ but failed except for one very disabled crab with only one claw we felt too sorry to eat. Annoyingly we found more empty rizla packets and beer cans than sealife :x

Today - Last farewell dinner at Davids with friends, probably be quite emotional after 14 weeks of spending everyday together! Then start work at 6am PRing for a new bar with a 24hr licence :)

Tomorrow - **** Party (really need to sort a costume too and get organised!)

Saturday - Sleep and detox

Sunday - Much of the same!
Tomorrow - Work until lunchtime then put some stuff in a case and head for Gatwick airport to meet the other half for dinner and stay in hotel

Saturday - Fly to Ibiza in the morning for 2 weeks :D 8)
Today - Last farewell dinner at Davids with friends

I'd love some food from David's about now :evil:

3 day weekend for me, dentist, hair cut and general bits and bobs tomorrow.

BBQ with mates + Jeff and the gang from 3 on Sat.

Chill out Sunday watching the footy.
friday-collapse after busy week with vino

saturday-out in Mcr for a bite to eat with wife & friends

sunday-first match of the season (well first proper match after last sundays trip down to Villa Park)
today, knackered from a full day trying to windsurf and eat paella on the beach. Seem to be getting the hang of it. Tonight dropping my missus and teenage son and a few of his pals into Ibiza town for a night out before returning home to crash/babysit with my younger kids, still knackered from windsurfing.
Friday got some work to do.
Saturday, finally nailing windsufing!
Sunday, teenagers return to Uk, tranquillity returns to my house here.
Should be a fairly quiet one for me, trying to keep cash now for Ibiza but sometimes they end up the messiest!

Friday - Off round to see mates in South Manchester. It's a bit of a party house so something or nothing could be going on.

Saturday - Mates birthday meal in a Vietnamese restaurant then back to theirs

Sunday - Nowt planned so this could mean a nice chilled day although this could also mean carrying on from Saturday. Happy with either of those options

Have a good one people :)
Nice 3 day weekend which is a treat, been working a lot of weekends recently so want to make the most of it without spending too much!

Friday - work, gym, then a poker night with the lads and a bottle of Sailor Jerry's.

Saturday - no plans yet, will probably be something along the lines of gym, maybe a round of golf, then head to the pub to watch the footy, and see where it leads saturday night.

Sunday - one of my best pal's birthdays, and the start of the footy season for me.
Man City vs Southampton. Unfortunately not trekking up to Manchester this time as it would take a massive chunk out of my Ibiza fund, and I think £51 to see a football match is extortion. Would easily be a £200+ trip.
We're getting the lads together and having a BBQ if the weather is good, few crates of beer/cider, and Super Sunday on the TV.

Monday - hangover. Glad to have the day booked off to deal with that.
End of Ramadan this weekend and on to Eid al Fitr so 5 day weekend!!

Some friends from Oman are visiting so it's going to be pool, bbq and a few sherberts.

30th Birthday somewhere near Oldham on Friday night. Given that it's a nightmare to get there don't plan on staying long.

Saturday - possibly not that much. I have a wedding video that needs putting together for a lad at work so should start that.

Saturday night - might head into the city. Ultimate Power is on - yep a night of nothing but power ballads, always good for a laugh. Alternatively might catch up with a few old faces.

Sunday - very little.
I'd love some food from David's about now :evil:


Back from Davids, had a caesar salad to share and the lasagne. Food was brill, service not too great. I'm sure last year they had more english speaking staff! Everytime we ordered a drink or food something went wrong! Still nice time was had by all.