Weekend Plans?


Well-Known Member
Not been one this this week?


Tonight - Newmarket for a Tom Jones gig at the races. Corporate shizness

Tomorrow - pick up £700 worth of lighting for new front room, quick hello at a mate's kid's 1st birthday, followed by goodbye lunch with my childhood best friend before he heads back to NYC. Then drive to Oxfordshire for dinner with the missus' Mum.

Sunday - mate's kid's Xting. Will try and duck the church.

Where did the rock and roll go?:spank:
Slightly hungover today - visit from an old friend last night who is having a t!t job in London today. :lol:

We overdosed on nostalgia and old Top Buzz mixes so am everso slightly below par.

This weekend is really exciting however. I managed to score a freebie for Francois K's Adidas Underground gig tonight - it sounds really amazing. I've never heard anyone DJ in surround sound before - at least not in a nightclub context anyway. Should be fantastic.

Aside from this, still undecided where I'm going to be for the closing ceremony. Already grieving the loss of the olympics. What are we all going to do with ourselves? :eek:

FK's Surround Sound Lounge

The system I use for this is a 7.1 rig which includes an additional height channel (speakers above) so everything is very dimensional.

I would think that this is the sort of party where people would be sitting down, maybe boogie a bit to certain things I play, but the volume will never reach ear-splitting levels common in clubs, more something that allows the listener to experience the music in all of its glorious beauty without feeling assaulted, while talking to friends if they feel like it.

There will be a full video and lighting installation to complement the vibe and help turn it into a deep, trippy affair that will hopefully be memorable and full of surprises.

(TL, DR version; no stereo, no beat-mixing, no need to bring earplugs - perfect for old hippies)

Tonight - Works do - my first one with my new firm.....now this will be interesting, 30 of us on a boat :lol:

Saturday - Try for the gym in the morning (dont even know why i try and convince myself that this will actually happen after tonight :spank:) drive to Beaconsfield, mates bday bbq, night in yet another hotel :rolleyes: d*e on sunday and do nothing im sure.

Monday - Thorpe Park

Awesome weekend lined up for me, albeit quite a alcohol fueled one :(
Today: Going with two mates down to Bristol. Probably head out in Bristol this evening - imagine I may be a tad bit worse for wear later ;)

Saturday: Recover, spend some time with the folks, keep looking for a flat in Brighton. Then off to the Balloon nightglow (It's the Balloon Fiesta weekend in Bristol)

Sunday: SUNDAY ROAST. Return to Leeds.

That is all
Saturday: Recover, spend some time with the folks, keep looking for a flat in Brighton. Then off to the Balloon nightglow (It's the Balloon Fiesta weekend in Bristol)

That is all

Is that the week they used to have the Ashton Court Festival? I remember balloons overhead....
I used to love Ashton Court festival too!

Memories of prancing around to Eat Static with the crusty turnout. 8)
No, Ashton court Festival and the Balloon Fiesta are seperate.

Asthon Court Festival used to be in July, not been on for about 5 years if memory serves. Year I went to uni (2007) was the last year I remember it being on.
Fiesta has always been the second weekend in August.
In London for Blur, The Specials and New Order on Sunday. I will be near the front sporting a vest and a cap at a jaunty angle.
I used to love Ashton Court festival too!

Memories of prancing around to Eat Static with the crusty turnout. 8)

I remember getting my arse pinch by Bristolian tran wreck Saphirre (sp?) as 'Bron Slippy' rang out :lol:
More of this for me ... it's time to stir my stumps again :arrow:



Sunday ... Will try and duck the church.


I remember getting my arse pinch by Bristolian tran wreck Saphirre (sp?) as 'Born Slippy' rang out :lol:

Not very exciting weekend. Straight out after work to meet a few mates, it's too hot to not be in a beer garden. Tomorrow we are heading out for a little pub crawl in the afternoon on the waterfront. Lovely. Then got to go out for a meal for the other half's best mate's birthday. It's at TGIs so it could be worse, and a couple of the other lads who'll be there are ok.

Then work all day on Sunday in this miserable oil refinery, no doubt regretting the few beers from Saturday while I'm sweating my balls off in my boiler suit, hard hat, glasses, gloves. Grim. On the bright side, it's another couple of hundred quid towards my Ibiza fund.
Had a friend over from America for a couple of days.

Thursday - few drinks in Glasgow, mainly west end

Friday day - went to Edinburgh to see the castle and for a mooch around (v. busy due to the festival)

Friday night - Sub Club for Slam / Nic Fanciulli. Ended up going back to the house of a couple we met and didn't go back to our hotel till well after midday on Saturday.

Was hoping to go out for a quiet one on Sat night after a quick sleep but friend too tired. :rolleyes:

Sunday - saw friend off & back home
I was in Odessa, Ukraine for a friend's bachelor's party weekend.
Two nights of clubbing and Saturday afternoon spent at the beach. Much alcohol consumed.
Highlights include me nearly getting arrested for walking through the park with a beer.
Got home on Sunday afternoon and spent the afternoon/evening at Gorky Park for a very cool festival of street theater.
:spank: ... are they anal about that over there then ?
It is illegal but I think it was more an attempt to extort money from me.
However, I was in a very bad mood at the time so I hopped on the back of the cop's moped and said "fine, take me in. I don't care any more. I'll pay the fine." and he & his partner let me go in return for a couple of 50 cent cups of coffee at a kiosk. :lol:
They also gave me their phone number in case I wanted to go party with them later that night :lol: :lol: