Weekend Plans

Friday - cut the grass and clean the pond

Saturday - throw a few things in a bag then fly to Ibiza

Sunday - I'm sure I'll think of something to do!
Going back to Devon for the weekend to chant up the proverbial mountains (well, meditate out on a rock in the sea or something like that would do). Hang the tourists - might even stay a while.

All thoughts of clubs, parties and riots happily drifting away at the thought of some quality time out in the garden and getting the house prepared for the Winter. Why didn't I decide go back earlier ? !! Happy days.
Well, I'm in London now, so Friday, drinks with some friends I haven't seen for a while, hopefully not too much of a big night

Then Saturday Boat party! See some of you there! :)
This weekend will be about Brighton Pride/Brighton Pride pre-parties/Brighton Pride after-parties/Brighton Pride after-after-parties etc etc etc :spank:
Well, I'm in London now, so Friday, drinks with some friends I haven't seen for a while, hopefully not too much of a big night

Then Saturday Boat party! See some of you there! :)

Ooh hello :lol: Am I still seeing you on Thursday/Friday at the seaside?!
Friday - Few beers with the lads as per usual

Sat - Off to my place of worship...Anfield. Managed to get a ticket today so I'm over the moon. Then getting the train down to London for Sensation White later on. Not overly impressed with the lineup but have loved all the previous sensations i've been too so i'm sure I'll love it.

Sunday - Recover
See you on the boat!

Don't all rush at once to get your free Jagermeister before you board - all will be revealed!
Let's make this a good one.

Heavy drinking and dancing is obligatory!
As splendid a day tomorrow as could be possibly imagined.

Assuming we don't win today (not impossible, but highly unlikely) and the weather holds, I will be attending the test match at edgebaston to hopefully see England become, with out doubt, the No 1 test side in the world with friends, picnic and beer pint pot snakes.

Following this I will be attending Sankeys, to dance till the early hours.

Then watching Man U & El Classico on my couch.

All is well in the empire.

Good luck to Stu Hirst for the boat party, real shame I can't come and have a session with you all. It will be tres 8)
Tonight - Super 8 or Rise of the Planet of The Apes, if 'flu has passed enough.

Sat - need to catch up in the office in the daytime.

Sat night - BOAT PARTY!!!!

Sunday - die

Really, really looking forward to seeing everyone and getting my tattoo bet beers bought for me!8)
Saturday Daytime - Go to HQ to watch a premiership game for the first time in 15 years.

Evening - Watch match of the day instead of the S**T they call the Championship ( im talking abiut the program not the actual league).

Thats it for me, trying to Save a little for a new car, creamfields and Ibiza..