Weekend Plans?

Spur of the moment thing - couldn't get a wakeboarding slot anywhere within 50 miles today now the schools are out (god, I hate this side of the Summer) so going to the rest of Day 2 of Global Gathering to cheer myself up instead. Bedrock and Revolution arenas look like they could be fun.. Digweed never disappoints and I'm a bit of a fan of Hernan Cattaneo actually...
My friend runs Spilt Milk... let us know how it goes. I'd be there but got a mate's 30th to go too instead :spank:

Was a really good party - good crowd, good beats and the sun had its hat on8)

What more do you want on saturday afternoon!!!

Went to Cargo after which was pants, so i flaked and didnt go to fabric in the end:cry:
Went to Cargo after which was pants, so i flaked and didnt go to fabric in the end:cry:

No-showed my guestlist for Rhythmatic on Saturday - felt a bit c**p but not so much now :) .. don't think I could have handled Fabric 'till 2pm Sunday either - it's completely nuts !!
So how were the weekends in the end ?

Saturday - @ Global

Got up to Global Gathering about 5pm having consumed far too many fluids on the way feeling very bloated. No q to get in but (sorry for tmi) unfortunate need for 3 pees in relatively quick succession.. nearest ‘port-a-urinal' by the Drambuie bar was blocked and filling up :rolleyes:. Having people stare into an overflowing trough of pee, the same colour as their drink, whilst they make their contribution (or face an endless q for the cubicles) just ‘cause it's daylight.. ? Surely it's not so bad for a guy to take a p1ss near the fence instead ???? is it really that :eek: ?????

It's the inconsistency of the English ‘reserve'.. one extreme to the other ! When darkness fell, the guys were peeing against the marquees themselves (careful where you sit..) :lol: - and not to be discriminated against on account of gender, girls bent over with skirts and pants round their ankles leaving nothing to the imagination joining in .. whilst lads film on their i-phones on the sly :spank:..

Clearly a load of kids being taken for a ride as ½ pills being given away to anyone who wanted them on the Revolution dancefloor.. that good, eh - what a waste of money !! Coxy's tent a big disappointment after Space (dipped in & out but stayed for ¾ of an hour or so for the man himself from about 12.45 after Digweed before getting bored and leaving for another party).

Bedrock really made it all worthwhile tho' after it picked up around 7 from being dead. Unexpected roof-blowing set from Guy J was just the nuts :p – it flippin' rocked. Hernan Cattaneo very good too and Digweed didn't disappoint – nice to see the late 40-somethings going mental and ‘having it large' :twisted:. It was electric in there - the really nice bar staff were having an absolute ball and even security were grooving away .. right on, guys and gals !! Drinks aside (reasonable), a pricey night out all in all for what was actually worth staying for.

Next outdoor party near Cho*sey didn't go quite as expected –
on that one !! :lol:


Wakeboarding / out on the boat Sunday afternoon – sun out, good riding, felt great. Other goals achieved ? Not a busting lot !!
Mine was good

Friday chilled after a busy week, fell asleep on sofa!

Saturday shopped, sat in the sun, then went to a wedding reception (was boring, the bride didnt even say hello to me either, rude much?) - they arent close friends!

Sunday made the most of the nice weather and had a picnic down by the sea
(was boring, the bride didnt even say hello to me either, rude much?) - they arent close friends!

Actually very rude :spank:

When and if :lol: i get married i will try my upmost to say hello to as many people as i can, coz at the end of the day they have made the effort to contribute towards making your day special, so the least we can do is say hello, eughh some people :rolleyes:

My weekend was a fairly quiet one, friday - stayed in with the sis and caught up on all the gossip and who all these randoms were she keeps bringing home :lol:

Saturday - Night in with the GF :D

Sunday - Naff all, sunbathed n that was it...

last boring weekend for me for a while...also the last month with my bf, then hes off to afghan :(
Actually very rude :spank:

When and if :lol: i get married i will try my upmost to say hello to as many people as i can, coz at the end of the day they have made the effort to contribute towards making your day special, so the least we can do is say hello, eughh some people :rolleyes:

My weekend was a fairly quiet one, friday - stayed in with the sis and caught up on all the gossip and who all these randoms were she keeps bringing home :lol:

Saturday - Night in with the GF :D

Sunday - Naff all, sunbathed n that was it...

last boring weekend for me for a while...also the last month with my bf, then hes off to afghan :(

Yeah you could argue that you cant talk to everyone, which I understand, but she walked right past me and said hello to everyone but me and blanked me. Weirdddddd.
Planning a relatively quiet one for once :!:

Friday - Going to a ska concert, then a birthday party in some rooftop venue
Saturday - Making an Ikea run with friends, likely a quiet evening
Sunday - Meeting up with friends in the afternoon. Might swing by Gorky Park at some point.
My weekend was just as planned, except I did go out for a while on Saturday night after all.
On Sunday, I visited Gorky Park for the unveiling of an art project before meeting up with the guys for beer & pizza.
Yeah you could argue that you cant talk to everyone, which I understand, but she walked right past me and said hello to everyone but me and blanked me. Weirdddddd.

If that were me i woulda blatently lobbed a bit of cake right up her head :lol:
I dont take kindly to rude, ignorant people :spank:
No-showed my guestlist for Rhythmatic on Saturday - felt a bit c**p but not so much now :) .. don't think I could have handled Fabric 'till 2pm Sunday either - it's completely nuts !!

Yeah you didnt miss much at cargo IMO - maybe it was going from DJ W!d playing a great set (as did the other dj's)at spilt milk, but i just wasnt feeling it in there!

Plus you know your at the wrong party when Joey Essex from "the only way is essex" is in the same club as you:lol:

Bit gutted i didnt "man up" and just go to fabric but was out from midday and the old legs just aint what they used to be:cry:
Plus you know your at the wrong party when Joey Essex from "the only way is essex" is in the same club as you:lol:


Bit gutted i didnt "man up" and just go to fabric but was out from midday and the old legs just aint what they used to be:cry:

Know what you mean - after dancing for 6 hours on pockmarked field ground under a Global tent even the dream trainers of yesteryear couldn't stop my ankles starting to feel well ropey .. faceplanting on the dancefloor not something I'm keen to add to my repertoire ! Glad the Spilt Milk party was good tho' - good w/end after all :)
Had a mild weekend

Fri chilled

Sat golf and loads of drinks after too much sun and drinks took the life out of me. Not a hangover but was listless.:spank:

Sun Golf