Weekend Plans


Active Member
C'mon people - Hump Day's nearly over and there's no weekend thread yet??

Friday - making a futile attempt to stay away from the pub to save the pennies for...

Saturday - freebie stay at Hotel de Vin in Birmingham for complaining about the crappy stay we had for our wedding anniversary back in December. So will be heading to town nice and early to get some drinks and food in before the Pete Doherty gig at HMV Institute. I'm not a fan personally but Mr BG likes him so I obliged for his birthday, being the nice wife that I am....:lol:

Sunday - recovering from whatever happens after Pete, in a nice king sized bed with someone else cooking me a full English 8)
Sounds fab BG!

I have possible drinks up in London on Sat night, not 100% sure if going yet though, rest of weekend - eating, cleaning, relaxing, TV, maybe a cinema trip

Happy to go with the flow as have quite a busy end of month/June coming up 8)
I've just booked a week away in Cyprus next month so going to be having a few quiet weekends coming up. Probably just watching / playing football this weekend.
friday- very early night
saturday-get up very early to get 6am coach to that London to FA cup final
sunday-depends on above!
Friday - Nothing planned as of yet, probably go to the gym. Woo? :rolleyes:

Saturday - FA Cup Final day which appears to have been over looked as some numpty at the FA decided to have it on the same day as some other league fixtures. Journey to the pub this year as my beloved Chelsea didn't make it to Wembley so not going to walk down Wembley Way.. well.. stagger.

Sunday - Chelsea/Newcastle at 1.30pm so head off to SW6, then make way to Brick Lane for some drinks with a friend to catch up. Head home, prepare for the next week!

Waiting for the week after, off to the De Gale/Groves fight at the O2. Hoping it'll be a proper fight unlike the last big fight involving two brits *Cough* Fraudley Harrison.
Did someone mention the cup final?

Its only taken me 9 years to do one of these, but 9 years pales into insignificance compared to the 148 years its taken my hometeam to reach an FA Cup Final and thus prompt this fit of online extroversion and exuberance.

Friday – The gang arrive, so off to Cay Tre for tea, followed by bars in Shoreditch/Hoxton area (any recommendations welcome). Then onto Oakie at MoS. I'm sure that most will disapprove but please let me qualify that we do have a personal invite from the little primate. I just hope he doesn't play any Matt Goss.

Saturday – Breakfast on the Southbank, followed by a slow meandering pub crawl north to Wemberley to hopefully banish those 148 years of hurt and finally win some silverware of distinction. Win or lose we'll drink some booze and meander back to Brick Lane via various hostelries. Still undecided clubbing wise for Saturday, so again recommendations are most welcome. At some point we will retire - hopefully jubilant, but hopefully not repeating the semi-final experience of having to accommodate 20 odd other victorious homies who have somehow mysteriously missed their coach/lift/last train home.
I will be going out on the lash with work on friday night.... and then hiding under the covers with a hangover whilst the above mentioned DIY takes place on saturday :lol:

I thought Chewie's post was euphemistic and he meant he would be bringing you chocolate and a hot water bottle and doing the housework himself!:lol:
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Friday - annual footy club dinner and presentations. League and cup winner so we'll be celebrating. Carnage. Leave club at 9am, breakfast at cafe, sleep at mates

Saturday - wake up at mates flat and drive home when fit. FA cup final (on telly prolly, unless I win the two tickets that get raffled at the club dinner) followed by night in.

Sunday - mate's baby's christening and a quiet one after.
Sadly nothing due to having a few mad weekends already since pay day, so its a quiet one this weekend. Not too bothered as I have quite a lot of stuff on over the coming weekends :D
fri - phil mison is playing records at the horse & groom in shoreditch
sat - spanish guitar concert at st mary's church in stokey
sun - meeting the old man for a pizza and lecture about where I'm going wrong in my life
Off down to (hopefully) sunny Kent for the weekend for some R&R.

Sunday afternoon - pub to watch West Ham get relegated/claw themselves out of oblivion
Friday quiet one.

Saturday not sure if can subject myself to watching Stoke grace Wembley but no doubt will. Probably spunk a few quid on bets as usual. This time next year and all that.

Sunday off on the 7am train from Beverly Hills for the relegation express to Wigan, all aboard.

Monday - recovery position.

Kirz i'm at the O2 next week for that. Should be a decent tear up and cracking atmosphere. Still debating Haye Klitscko in Hamburg too but my mate has his stag night the same day but it is in the hel hole that is the Sugar Hut.
Friday - Fancy art event, then a friend's birthday party, then randomness, then Pan Pot @ Krysha Mira in the morning.

Saturday - Possibly attend a colleague's funeral (depending on how much more red tape the UK and Russia put up in repatriating her) :( Pack for trip. Then Chew Lips in concert @ club Solyanka.

Sunday - Fly to London. Attend Chelsea v Newcastle. Celebrate/mourn end of season (last home game) with friends.
Its only taken me 9 years to do one of these, but 9 years pales into insignificance compared to the 148 years its taken my hometeam to reach an FA Cup Final and thus prompt this fit of online extroversion and exuberance.

Have you had your tickets yet? My boss is sweating as the freebies he managed to get for his wife and daughter have come but his paid-for tickets for him and his son haven't :lol::lol::lol: I don't know why I'm laughing as I'll be the one who will have to somehow track them down by speaking to every employee in Royal Mail until I can get hold of someone who can hand deliver them to his home on a silver platter...... :rolleyes: