Weekend Plans

weekend at my mates folks in malvern hills. stunning house with great view across this hills.

was an inch away from garnier at the end tho due to others. could have been fun.
I have just spent the last 24 hours catching up with the stories of late with one of my best friends.
Lots of tales of kidnappings, drug barons and random assasinations.

He's moaning because he has a shop that sells bullet proof vests, holsters and various boys toys and his best customers keep on getting whacked.

He had one guy bring back a vest the other day and wanted to change the inserts from metal to ceramic. Apparently he was complaining that the metal ones didn't work. 'How do you know?' asked my friend.
Seems they put it on a rival gang member and shot him with a M16.
He died.
They then tried the ceramic inserts with another guy and emptied the magazine on him.
He was still alive.
Then they shot him anyway.
Brutal stuff.

Sometimes being somewhere like this just makes you realise what life is like for other people whilst we all have the luxury of relative safety and a stress free existance.

We are in Guatemala City right now but on Wednesday we will head into mountains to where I used to live 12 years ago at Lake Attitlan.

Haven't checked on my house there for 5 years, I think it might be time to sell it....but it does have very fond memories. We'll see.

Going to spend the weekend getting drunk on Margaritas at Circus Bar with old friends.

Might even do a DJ set at El Chapiteau for old times sake.
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Sunday: Off to wedding venue in Warwickshire as they are putting on a wedding fayre so we get to see how it will all look on the day. Maybe pop for a huuuge carvery on the way back.

Thats me lot!

Please tell me you've got Stoney spinning a bit of Abba on the big day!!:lol:
i have just spent the last 24 hours catching up with the stories of late with one of my best friends.
Lots of tales of kidnappings, drug barons and random assasinations.

He's moaning because he has a shop that sells bullet proof vests, holsters and various boys toys and his best customers keep on getting whacked.

He had one guy bring back a vest the other day and wanted to change the inserts from metal to ceramic. Apparently he was complaining that the metal ones didn't work. 'how do you know?' asked my friend.
Seems they put it on a rival gang member and shot him with a m16.
He died.
They then tried the ceramic inserts with another guy and emptied the magazine on him.
He was still alive.
Then they shot him anyway.
Brutal stuff.

Sometimes being somewhere like this just makes you realise what life is like for other people whilst we all have the luxury of relative safety and a stress free existance.

We are in guatemala city right now but on wednesday we will head into mountains to where i used to live 12 years ago at lake attitlan.

Haven't checked on my house there for 5 years, i think it might be time to sell it....but it does have very fond memories. We'll see.

Going to spend the weekend getting drunk on margaritas at circus bar with old friends.

Might even do a dj set at el chapiteau for old times sake.

Early doors this week but also looking forward to this one!

Friday - half day job from work. Got to set up new cd player system for the old man in the afternoon, then may grab a swift couple en route back at my mate's bar or go gym, pick my boy up and probably get us all a pizza.

Saturday - bit of shopping, gym, lunch no particular order, then heading up town for drinks round Covent Garden, then AKA and then The End for Laurent Garnier. 8)

Sunday - usual after party session then watch the mighty claret and blues on Sky.
Fri - Recover from chaos at work....sleep!

Sat - A day of laying slabs, taxi driver for the good lady wife as she's off to FLT for the day with a friend and relaxing.

Sun - Walking, talking, visiting, eating and domestic bliss.

Oh and possible bits of work in between depending on how the week finishes!!!
Its only Tuesday!!
Know what i'm doing Saturday, going to be insane!
Going with Mark Knight to Yousef's Circus night in Liverpool, where he's headling with Layo & Bushwaker, Hot Chip, Jamie Jones, Lewis Boardman & others! Staying in a Hotel up there! Going to be awesume, finishes at 3 though!
Fri - Museums and Galleries, Matter for LCD sound system and Optimo

Sat - Chill, food, The End forGarnier

Sun - Roasty
I live in Oxford now so just getting a quick train down on Thursday and going back Sunday :)

Will be sure to say Hi! if i see you chap!
My first weekend off for ages. On holiday this week and not back until next Wednesday.

Friday - I'll be sitting where I am right now still ripping vinyl to my hard-drive . Only about another 2000 to go

Saturday - See above then Sub Club .

Sunday - still going at it / recovery position.

This will be my last weekend out until the end of November for Fabric.
I'm going to a gothic halloween party on saturday, dressed as a randy vicar OR the emperor from star wars (quite possibly a hybrid of both) then heading to someone's flat for afters. Following that, heading up to a party pub in shoreditch for lunchtime runnings and then DJing back to back with some others. If there's any juice in the tank, may head to the tbar..