Weekend Plans?

Tonight - nothing.
Tomorrow - work 9-5 then nothing.
Sunday - working 4 til midnight.

Trying to save money just now.
Tonight ..Aura then Pacha
Sat.. Amnesia Closing
Sun.. Space
Mon..Maybe DC10 but def Al Ayoun closing.
Tues.. Maybe Blue Marlin

Wed.. Bye, bye Ibiza

snap apart from tonight...................and the bye bye ibiza of course.
Everybody raves about him but the one time I saw him I swear he never even touched his laptop or the decks. Couple hours of knob twiddling was all! Hope that was an anomaly...

Know what you mean, it was billed as a live show, not in the booth, on a stage, wearing a Mou5 Head with beatmatchin flashing eyes! Not yr regular set, was using a lap top, with knob twiddling galore!
Smashed it though, had the crowd jumping, early on a Thursday night with good tunes, in the ar se end of no where!
Matter, no matter how impressive the Venue, wont be going there often!