weekend plans

Vancouver for me!... doing some granola-type activity on Sat sUnday like hikign adnCampig and thens ome normal city restaurnat/ shopping things in Vancouver on Sunday and Monday..... and still plan to find some shops with summer clothes on sale!!! (although its getting to be more and more difficult!! :evil:)
fri - nowt much of anything really

sat - family event at my in-laws

sun - to see the Rangers at the Yahoos "stadium"


tues - off to salou for a week of relaxation
I have never bought anything off ebay... i'm too scared! :lol: :lol:

It can be at first, you just need to remember to be cautious. There are courses on how to best be an 'ebayer' 8O It can be addictive too (see below) :spank:

I have just got into Ebay shopping, its so much fun, very addictive though :lol:

It's like your playing a virtual game, a bit like monopoly, until the statements come in :spank: And when you outbid someone and win :lol: !!!!
It can be at first, you just need to remember to be cautious. There are courses on how to best be an 'ebayer' 8O It can be addictive too (see below) :spank:

It's like your playing a virtual game, a bit like monopoly, until the statements come in :spank: And when you outbid someone and win :lol: !!!!

i know... I like games and I alwasy feel so much better about myself after I purhcase something... it could get far too addicting!!!! :lol:
Decided to go to Silverstone now for BTCC and others :)

***hopes for crashes***
That's what I'm afraid of! :lol:

honestly though, I need a few more summer things!

There is a collection I love by Laura Lees some of it is in Topshop but I find even more unusual bits on Ebay by her, and they are limited pieces....in fact I might go have a look now :lol:
Fri - not much on as the wife is getting laser eye surgery so I'll probably be a labrador for the evening :lol:!

Sat - usual weekend chors and then off to St. Albans to see some friends, may head in to FLT.

Sun - Travel back, play golf and prepare some work for the coming week......rock and roll!!!!!