weekend plans!

Friday - possibly the cinema

Saturday - gym in morning, then girly sleepover at 2 of my friends new pad from 5pm, im told no drink allowed just popcorn, snacks and my pjs, should be fun :p

Sunday - no plans

Saw Jack Penate last night at Shepherds Bush Empire, popped into a well funky pub that I SWEAR I have heard mentioned on here before, The Defectors Weld, was a really cool evening and Jack was brilliant live!

At Shepherds Bush I use the Vesp Bar just opposite from O'Neills, food ok there bit s****y (without the S) but does Savannah Cider! :D
Fri - Gym and sleep as shattered from manic week at work.
Sat - Golf, massage, shopping, dinner with wife, mother, sister and niece.
Sun - Golf again, r&r.

Uneventful, looking forward to easter for an overdue blowout.
Friday - dinner and drinks round Jon's sisters and seeing her gorgeous little boy :)

Saturday - Transient @ the Horse & Groom, Shoreditch... followed by Halo @ Sosho's. Really looking forward to this :D

Sunday - Recovery and food