Weekend Plans

Friday - After work im up to my mums with some chocies for mothers day on Sunday from her eldest and fav son :twisted::lol: later on i think ill go to the gym then home to chill.

Saturday Football all day/pints with the lads/bets the usual and only way to spend Saturday afternoons (adyz will say shopping of course:p )

Saturday nite is a big one, it's one of my best mates Duncans 50th birthday, so we're all going out on a large one,meal first then hot the town, Duncans from Manchester (and he is a red) originally but lives here since 2000, his son Lee who is also a red is coming over from Manc for this alough with some of Duncs old mates so should be a top nite (trying to think what to get him as a present:idea:)

Sunday - Recover no doubt.
Tonight: ? maybe DJ Spen in Leeds, more likely just stay in and chill..

Tomorrow: go get measured up for a bespoke wedding suit

Sunday: watch Everton v Portsmouth @ the pub