Weekend Plans


Active Member
Friday - Takeaway round friends house, excuse for all the girls to get together and coo over her 2 children :lol:

Saturday - No plans as of yet, but it is payday tomorrow so maybe a bit of shopping :lol:

Sunday - Mothers Day so no doubt spend a bit of time at home
Friday - Not sure.... a bunch of interesting nights at various clubs (Rai, Gazgolder, Versus, Jet Set) so I still need to choose. Probably start out with drinks at Soho Rooms. Oh, and early evening, attending an awards ceremony for photographers.

Saturday - Afternoon visit to the sports bar to see the boys hammer some Hammers. Joey Negro at club Opera later on.

Sunday - Hoping to get some stuff done around the house.
Tonight looking after my little girl as missus is out for dinner with her mates.

Friday off work so picking my boy up early and taking the kids to Kidspace to give them a run out! Then going Frankie and Bennys for lunch. No doubt missus will want to drag me round some shops.

Saturday missus birthday! Kids being packed off by midday so we can chill. Got couple of bottles champoo that she likes so will have an afternoon of that and wotever else takes our fancy! Heading up town mid afternoon to meet up with some friends round West end for more drinks and maybe if anyone can bear it some grub. Meeting some more friends (let me add these are her friends not mine, I ain't got any :cry:!) over Charterhouse pub/bar Farringdon way and then leave there and head for Turnmills round 12 or 1. After Turnmills got a bit of a gathering for another session back at ours till who knows.

Sunday - Still continuing from Saturday until baby girl home then act all respectable and fatherly again!!!

Monday off work so can take my missus out for her Mothers day lunch as neither us will have fancied much to eat Sunday. I think it will be usual Pizza Express as she loves it, don't bother me as it is not too sore on the sky. No doubt still in pieces too from Saturday. Got a few hours left of 24 to watch as well so would like to finish that off.

Saturday - Afternoon visit to the sports bar to see the boys hammer some Hammers. Joey Negro at club Opera later on.

Cobblers!!! Go on you Irons! ;)
Fri - Gym and home with the wife for wine and food.
Sat - Early golf, domestic bliss, golf again, out with parents in the evening for food at new turkish resturant (pre Mothers Day due to me double booking :oops::oops::oops:, although not entirely my fault).
Sun - Golf comp in the morning/early aft, trying to get to see my Mother before they scoot off for a break but looking very unlikely, sis cooking for her and not overly impressed that I'm not going but she did send an email to the wrong address over two weeks ago.....!
Buckley you stuffy devil. Enjoy!

Me has just been and purchased one bottle of fine red wine to acompany (no really) a steak and cheese domino's pizza tomorrow. Steak and cheese pizza - hwo good is that? To anyone living in the Manchester area, just say 'ive got a buy one get one free voucher' even if you have not. Larceny on a grand scale guv.

Saturday day, bit of a bike ride. Evening, works ball at htel in town. Dress like a pimp, show great interest in the board directors & hope that Anna charms them. Best line last year 'you need to give my boyfriend a big bonus so he can get me a rock!':eek: :oops: Shat it woman!

Sunday is the Sunday Times.
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Treating my Mothership on Sunday so staying in and being well behaved and early to bed on Sat!
Friday, got a busy morning, hoping to get out of town by lunchtime, heading to my Mum's for some early mothers day action, as she goes on holiday tomorrow!
Saturday, heading to chepstow to stay with a friend whose birthday it is, and she's having a party at a bar she owns in Bristol!
Sunday, back to london!
Agent - thank you sir

The Latch - cheers. The missus will keep an eye on me:lol:. We've gone for a fair bit of luxury so hoping the water/food situation will be taken care of.
Fri: helping some mates run their club night at fluid in farringdon . Anil is playing. I will drink and dance. Not sure what else.

Going to the folks to celebrate mother's day and dad's birthday.

Very pleased with self for sticking to once a month clubbing regime and looking forward to walking the blind, deaf dog along the canal. :lol:
Fri - may be sociable and have some work drinks, more likely to have a bit of a shopping spree and then home to my lovely husband's cooking

Sat - out for a veggie feast at Blah Blah Blah

Sun - out with Tom's parents for Mother's Day
FRI-Out with some mates at lunch time(could get messy)
SAT-engagement meal then out for a mates stagger
SUN-More than likely still out from saturday!!

Fri: Its works night out tonight - so quite looking forward to a catch up and a bit of daftness, hopefully Phil will be coming along later to save me from myself (Please Phil, come along!!!) otherwise I will be destroyed......

Sat: Probably feel sorry for myself all day with a hangover.

Sun: Phil at match so will spend the day in the garden weather permitting or pottering around the house and give Mum a call to wish her HM'sD.
Fri- Meal with a few school mates. Then a few of us going out for Giles Smith's v.hot gf's bday drinks. Met her in a Berlin a couple of weeks ago. She is going for dinner with her girlie mates beforehand which sounds promising!

Sat- Mates bday drinks at The Dolphin in London Fields. Never been but heard big things about this place. Could be a lot of fun.

Sun - Little Mothers day breakfast and then dropping the folks off to the airport before they head to australia. Then a lunch with new chica in Spitalfields.

Tuesday - Off to Australia / Hong Kong for 2.5 weeks. Wohoo!