Weekend Plans...late edition

Friday - World Unknown party in Brixton.Exceedingly good
Saturday - Pints at Richmond riverside but thankfully didnt escalate into naughtyness
Sunday - afternoon spent in shephards bush , pints
today - hangover
Friday: Gym, then slept

Saturday: Worked, turned up to the gym later than planned, only got half my workout down before it shut.

Sunday: Worked, walked up to ASDA for food shopping (two and a half mile round trip), sent my university application off.

Quiet weekend to be honest.
feeling it today...

thursday - went to Aintree races with our parents. cracking day out and a nice meal to finish it off.

friday - wedding party in the evening, got more drunk than i had intended which meant i was a little fragile for....

sat - 5am out of bed for early train to london for cup semi final. didn't envisage the game turning out as it did when we were having a beer at half time! saturday afternoon/evening - lots of booze. met up with the legend that is Robbie G and we ended east and went to the Light Bar which i was impressed with.

sun - train journey from hell home.
Fri - Above and Beyond in Leeds, as good as always! Only went on until 2am and would have preferred to have seen another DJ after them as well but was up early for the train to Wembley so probably for the best there wasn't.

Sat - Wembley - Liverpool Won - :D
Then went to the Pryda album launch party, had been drinking from 7am plus topping up from Friday so the night was hazy yo say the least. Quality music as per from Prydz so no complaints from me.
Went to World Unknown in a railway arch nr brixton last night. wow , just wow. a true reminder of what a party is in every sense. acid house kinda music and the friendliest crowd in town , and yes , south of the river. Shoreditch has alot of catching up to do :lol:

You know how big a fan I am of it - lucky boy :p:twisted: ... gutted I missed it this month - serious acetate spins of a whole bunch of new stuff of Andy's too.

Most heart-warmingly genuine club atmosphere of anywhere I've been in years. But won't suit anyone who wants to wear shades in clubs, is a genre-snob, wants to wiggle on the spot rather than dance, hates a sweat-box, wants to film on their mobile (you can't see more than a couple of feet ahead), needs a bar selling more than tea and red stripe off trays... or thinks a Funktion One and seamless mixing are necessary parts of a quality night. What you get instead is the real deal - it's not a retro night but you do get music from across several decades.. and from what I've seen of it the atmos is by far the best from 3am - close. :twisted:

From Andy Blake, LWE Interview
http://feeds.feedburner.com/LittleWhiteEarbudsPodcast :

"The people who come to the club, I think, are the most important ingredient. Joe and I have always said that World Unknown would be nothing without the people who come to it. We've picked up a crowd that remind me of clubs back in the late 80s when there was quite a serious peak going on. To an extent, it's been a law of diminishing returns since then, and those guys who come to our club, they're a massive inspiration. It's an age range I was used to when I was a kid, but they're all in the hot, sweaty, smoky room that you can't see anything in, all completely getting on really well, completely unified, completely connected."

... agree with this. Haven't felt so good at the end of a night since I started going out. Blasts totally out of the water any notion that DJs give and crowds receive. Danced right next to Andy when he was DJ'ing last time - and I've rarely seen anyone so completely connected and engaged with the people around him - seemed to be a completely interactive experience - can't explain it - you just know it instantly when it happens .. and it's very special.