Weekend: Hi-Jinx or Down-Lo?

I've had a nuts week. Very much looking forward to letting loose.

Friday - Opening of a new club called Gagar-Inn, then the Hell Kitty party at Progressive Daddy, then to Krysha Mira towards morning for Abe Duque.

Saturday - couple hours of work in the afternoon, then watch football. Night program to include a restaurant opening, a Bollywood party hosted by a friend at Vecher, and a possible return to Krysha for Monkey Brothers, Dave DK and Peter Taster.

Sunday - Rest up in the day. Hang out at the hotel and wait for the mighty Chels to arrive in the evening.
Hows the old grey matter today?
Not any better since I've been out every single night this week!
Today (Wednesday) at work was painful after the Spartak-Chelsea afterparty last night... not looking forward to tomorrow (er, today? Thursday...) either as I'm just going to bed at 4:30 :confused: