Weekend: Hi-Jinx or Down-Lo?


Active Member
It's all quiet for me this weekend. After the day I've had and the mood I'm in I will mostly be applying for new jobs. I've just found my dream job on the Express & Star website:- Egg Collector at a farm in Shropshire 8)

Friday - new hair style consultation then to my local for a few San Miguels to shake off the week.

Saturday - Gym, Osteopath, drinks round friends' pad (unless they get a sitter then it will be drinks at friends' local!)

Sunday - Absolutely sod all planned. Except maybe trying to persuade Mr BG that he needs to come and see Magnetic Man with me in November. I've got my arguments ready:- "it's only £12" and "it's not on a school night"
Good thread title.

Leaving do's tomorrow for redundant mates :cry:

Then all day wedding Sat :D

Bike ride Sunday + Derby +.......1 year wedding anniversary meal:D!!!
Last month i was in Es Canar with the missus and now we're off on a all expenses paid for holiday to Elounda on Crete with the family (and we're not even lottery winners:() early Saturday morning so therefore it'll be a fun packed weekend + week ahead8) Hopefully i'll find a Pub showing SkySports so myself & Son-in-law can watch Piddlesboro v Leeds 'Marching on together' whilst enjoying a few cold beer's ;) The ladies not liking football will probably go for a stroll around the resort.
Friday - Going to see Reboot at the Sub Club, should be decent
Saturday- Gym then mates house
Sunday - Heading up to Dundee for the Celtic game

All this without a drop of alcohol :eek:
Another quietish weekend for me in preparation for the Vakant party at Fabric next weekend.

Tonight - Off to a friends 30th but taking the car

Tomorrow - Go and watch Cardiff play Bristol. Few pints after followed by a poker night with the boys

Sunday - Bike ride AM with friends up the Taff trail followed by the Merseyside derby and a roast in the afternoon
Tonight, Tapas with the wife

Tomorrow going to see my mates new baby. then on to Brixton for dinner for Holly G's birthday onto Derrick Carter atEast village for Dan X's birthday

Sunday recovering and seeing if i have the energy to go to Horse meat disco for more Delboy!
Tonight, Tapas with the wife

Tomorrow going to see my mates new baby. then on to Brixton for dinner for Holly G's birthday onto Derrick Carter atEast village for Dan X's birthday

Sunday recovering and seeing if i have the energy to go to Horse meat disco for more Delboy!

Maybe see you there then.

Ill be the girl with the two big bears......
He probably has his 'dubstep-lite' arguments ready too. :lol:


I think the conversation will probably go like this:-

Him: "who the f**k is Magnetic Man?"

Me: "you know the one..." ***hums & attempts to sing*** "...I Need...aaaaiiirrr"

Him: "sounds rubbish. I'm not up for that."

Me: *sigh* "OK"
In the office all weekend with a brief hiatus for a mate's b'day. The trouble with sacking halfwits is you spend days sorting out their mess.:evil:

I think the conversation will probably go like this:-

Him: "who the f**k is Magnetic Man?"

Me: "you know the one..." ***hums & attempts to sing*** "...I Need...aaaaiiirrr"

Him: "sounds rubbish. I'm not up for that."

Me: *sigh* "OK"

You should just go with the girls. Coz it sounds like dubstep for girls.
