We Love Sundays opening line-up


That can't be it, ok you'll have Sasha and Zabiela inside, Lawler is resident on the terrace, Smoking Jo will play some warm-up set on the terrace, there must be someone else, a big name that hasn't been announced :roll: :?
macdonsj said:
thats whats been annouced so far on the Space website

Yay I've just seen it, the flyers not been done yet for Opening Party so me thinks (and hopes) there is someone else lined up :roll:

2 years ago saw Danny T at opening, last year Erick, Smoking Jo just doesn't have same appeal does she :roll: :? I think if I remember rightly she played opening last year, a couple of hours before Erick came on so there must be someone else tbc.
I would put money on it that Danny T will play for a while, hopefully a long while.
Dirty Sanchez said:
I got a poster beside bora bora today for the opening and on the bill also... Carl Cox and Digweed

Doh :P ;)

Keep your eyes peeled for any We Love Sundays posters :D

How's it going over there anyway hon??
The Line-up is not complete. If it is then We Love are just taking the p.iss and not shelling out like they should on dj talent. Donmakemelaugh

Hey Sanchz, having fun yet?

Danny Rampling is the other big name guest on the terrace

remember he was resident at Home in London on Fridays when it first opened
To be fair, the line ups for welovesundays through july, August and Sept are some of the best i've ever seen with Moriilo, Cassius, D & J Carter, Lawler, Francois K, ARmand Van Heldon etc!
i heard digweed opening but knuckles closing sounds the best IMO
It does seem a bit sparce dj wise but having said that there are the residents.
There will probably be soemone on the island that might just pop in to play for a bit.
I like it when that happens.
aaah silly me!! :oops:

everything´s going great so far, venturing round the island as much as possible while i´ve got the time and it´s so much more beautiful than i´ve ever thought.
can´t wait til the parties start though!! :D