Water Parks


New Member
From memory (my very vaugue sketchy memory!) :confused: i seem to recall a water park situated next to Space??? I know theirs a few on the Island but I was wondering if anyone knew where they were or prices? Im a big kid at heart you see! :lol:

you are right there are 2 on the island.

one is called aqualandia this is in talamanca
The other one is called aquamar and is next door to space..

The water park in talamanca is the smaller out of the two.

Both have very similar slides....

However the one by space has alot BIGGER slides and shoots.

I'm afraid that i do not know the prices of a taicket.

Maybe someone else does?

:lol: :lol:
Thanks very much!!! I didnt want to risk wasting taxi money by going only to find out that it didnt really exist! Ill definately pay the one next to sapce a visit!!! ahh just like being six again!!! hehehe
think the price is

think the price is between 8 an 10 euro's
I know this, erm, person who, after a night in space managed to sneak into the water park with a couple of friends. Needless to say that it was closed at the time.

It resulted it an hour of fun in the park fully clothed ;) :D
Pooley said:
I know this, erm, person who, after a night in space managed to sneak into the water park with a couple of friends. Needless to say that it was closed at the time.

It resulted it an hour of fun in the park fully clothed ;) :D

pooley good friend of yours ;)
sounds like a perfect come down from space!

but i certainly don't condone breaking and entering ;) :D
Yip - I quite fancy that - buying one of the tickets that let you leave Space then come back in later on - and go to the Park completly munted for a while.

Could be laugh.

As long as nobody drowned -

That would totally spoil the day at Space :lol:
I want to the Aquamar pack last time I went to Ibiza, is it in Playa de en Bossa?

If so, is there a bus from San An to somewhere near the park (and back...)?

We had a whale of a time last time (no pun intended), and for 8-10 euro's for the day, it's a bargain.

I can remember a few years ago arriving at Space only see some very yoof-ful clubbers indeed, in fancy dress, in the notorious queue. These kids in swimming trunks and carrying plastic dophins and lilos, along with their mams n dads must hav spent about 15mins in the club queue before realising that Aquamar is next door!

I can remember a few years ago arriving at Space only see some very yoof-ful clubbers indeed, in fancy dress, in the notorious queue. These kids in swimming trunks and carrying plastic dophins and lilos, along with their mams n dads must hav spent about 15mins in the club queue before realising that Aquamar is next door!
Re: queues

stingray said:
These kids in swimming trunks and carrying plastic dophins and lilos, along with their mams n dads must hav spent about 15mins in the club queue before realising that Aquamar is next door!

:lol: The poor souls must have bee terrified in the Q with all the Space folks.