If you are on Passeig De Ses Fonts (you know the place where you have the fountains in front of the restaurants that have chairs outdoors, the place where they clean up with hoses early in the morning, the place where the taxi cab stand is located) you walk up on Progress for about 100m-125m. That's where Mari is located.
Do you know where Hotel Orosol is located? If you do then Mari is about 30m from Orosol. From Orosol, you will walk towards the sunset bars (West) to get to Mari.
If you know where Rias Baixas restaurtant is located, Mari is exactly opposite that restaurant.
look in the bottom right hand corner, there's a brown oblong that looks like a football ground, got it? it's the football ground.
now go left, there's the hostal mari, ok?
past the mari is a big yellow market shaped oblong. that's the market!
the mari is between the market and the football ground.
there are some chairs and tables on the pavement outside the mari's little cafe - but we couldn't get them on the map!
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