Vara del rey , Hotal Mari and Orosol hotel .


New Member
I am Ibiza virgin . I want stay in a cheap place . I dont want spent time in hotel , but I want a safe place to stay .
Any suggestions of this places ?
When I need book that ?
I am planning go in agust - sept ?

I stayed at Hostal Vara del rey one year and I would recommend it. It's centrally located, safe, and clean. Not to mention a really laid back atmosphere.
I stayed at Hostal Mari, and I would highly recommend it. It is run by the Mari family, quite hospitable and responsive to their clients' needs. Perfectly safe and clean. If you go for the opening parties (highly recommended) the hotel is quite quiet (not many occupants).

One thing though that the rooms do not have any fans. Hence, either rent one or just take a small desktop fan with you that you can dump after your trip. Someone mentioned that fans are available for rent at neighborhood stores for 1E/day which is great if you are staying for a couple of weeks. Someone else mentioned that its around 3E -5E/ day, which is pricey and hence justifies the cost of bringing your own desktop fan from home.


Is that true that in San an ,just have teenagers ?I am asking that because I am a bit old 27 ... and want to see people old as me ....


I was there last year when I was also 27. Yes, San An has more of a teenage - early 20s crowd than Eivissa or Playa D'en Bossa. However, there are still enough people that you would come across who share your interests. If you walk down the streets in the West End you see a lot of teeny boppers. However, other that it is a decently mixed crowd.


What do u recomend for me as night club ? Do u think woman , pay more cheap to get inside ?
Here in Brazil we dont pay the same price as me , maybe because they want the place full of girls .... :D

Flavia said:
What do u recomend for me as night club ? Do u think woman , pay more cheap to get inside ?
Here in Brazil we dont pay the same price as me , maybe because they want the place full of girls .... :D


No. There is no discrimination in Ibiza :D . Everyone pays the same ;) .
Vara de rey

Vara de rey all the way for me, local, chilled, with roof terrace...fantastic.....does anyone have anyadvice on where you can stay/go if you arrive in the middle of the night...our flights get in at 2.00am, but we can't check in until 11.00 am??? any advice
has anyone been trying to contact the Orosol Hotel?

I've been e-mailing them back and forth successfully for a while now, but all of a sudden, i've had no reply, im getting a bit worried!