Well, Moustafa you get your answer for car renting, ..For parking place:Free in white zone, have to pay in blue zone from 9h00 to 2pm ;then 5pm to 10pm.Free on sunday:never park on yellow place even you see cars in, they towe your car..& more than 200€ fine (already give many info about it,got a 45€ fine on 1srt day :\, check my post from ibz 13 ) & for meeting spotlight members,Have you met some forthcoming mate? with girl spotlight, guess it 's just won't do (t deluxe
; because of all the posts you made :O), i can understand the girls lol, with boys unless they are scare to get in touch with you because of your "reputation"/awckwardness here..if you got 5 spotlight contacts it doesn 't mean you will hang out with them (40% as far i am concerned), it makes you feel you won't be alone but Better meet people in your hotel at swimming pool,beach,bar, anywhere, anytime
) even workers/rp (if don't make contacts here don't panic,you ll have hundreds of contacts once in ibz)...Don't focus on girlz (WHAT HAPPENS IN IBIZA STAY IN IBIZA ) eventhough there are lot of sexy girlz
we have to admitt..Just enjoy your ibz trip..everything will be fine.one week is fu.ccking short , i can't imagine taking 1 week but 2 at least to 5 in a row..TicK Tock ...counter just begin for .......lol