UK Weather - beau·ti·ful!!


Well-Known Member
The missus informs me that we have had weather like this before in March, I'm not so sure.

Its been el scorchio over the weekend and today even nicer. Is it nice weather everywhere in the UK at the mo?

Grr... stop your bragging :evil:
It snowed here again yesterday. 4th time in the past week.
Longest winter I can remember since I moved here :(
South West is lovely again - clear and sunny, although a bit of a nip in the air compared to the weekend.

We quite often get weather like this here in Spring with cool wet Summers (which are very depressing !) .. some making the most of it.
South West is lovely again - clear and sunny, although a bit of a nip in the air compared to the weekend.

We quite often get weather like this here in Spring with cool wet Summers (which are very depressing !) .. some making the most of it.

Ive noticed that annoying phenomenon when holidaying Devon/Cornwall in August. I much prefer Late May, early June for the SW.
Been sunning self in Brighton all weekend - was beautiful. First time I've seen the sea in aaaaaaaages - utterly blissful.

Wonderful place. Am remembering all the reasons why I lived there - but am also mindful of the fact that Brighton is SO much better to visit than to build a nest. The laid back lifestyle is worlds away from London (but it's overrun by students and the nightlife is SH1T).

Really want to cultivate a Bri-Lon existence one day...surely that can't be impossible?
Been sunning self in Brighton all weekend - was beautiful. First time I've seen the sea in aaaaaaaages - utterly blissful.

Wonderful place. Am remembering all the reasons why I lived there - but am also mindful of the fact that Brighton is SO much better to visit than to build a nest. The laid back lifestyle is worlds away from London (but it's overrun by students and the nightlife is SH1T).

Really want to cultivate a Bri-Lon existence one day...surely that can't be impossible?

Thinking of moving to Brighton at the moment. What are your thoughts on the city?
So unique it deserves its own national status.

London/Brighton is like the LA/San Fran comparison.

Brighton hasn't got a hope in hell of competing with London in the music/nightlife stakes - so it doesn't try to.

Instead, Brighton is like a middle class hippy haven. When I lived there in the late 90s it was still a really sweet town and had a really creative, crusty edge. There's still echos of that in the North Laine which beats the pants off anywhere in London for relaxing with an al fresco cappucino.

Since the property boom its become a destination for rich commuting Londoners which has changed the city dramatically. For instance, happening bars were bought by chains, the fringe festival is less chaotic and really regimented and Pride day has been fenced in and charged for.

...but the payoff is that there's loads of new developments and cultural centres popping up everywhere (like the library area) - and the seafront on a sunny weekend is fantastic.

I love the community feel, the fact that all your mates are in the same place and the massive range of nice veggie restaurants and gastropubs. The gay bit is nice too - London has become a micro scene of various ghettos but Brighton is very mixed with people from all walks of life in the same space. Just don't expect anything other than chart remixes, cr@p house and naff drag cabaret (which I secretly love :lol:)

However - I don't think I'll ever move back.

I got ridiculously bored after six years. There's nothing going on at night and I began to notice a lack of spark in the people that lived there. It's a great place to convalesce, settle down and relax - but for all its community lovelyness it really does lack that aspirational quality that other places have.

Unless you're a freelancer, sole trader or a budding entrepreneur it's nigh on impossible to get anything beyond a dead end job in the ailing leisure industry. It pretends to be a media hub but I'm sorry... :rolleyes:

The clubs are woefully studenty with the odd decent gig like Positive Sounds and it's generally impossible to pop out on a Sunday and find anything beyond tumbleweed - lest we forget, it's still a town with delusions of grandeur.

But if you get the bug I say goferit. ;)
Sea is only 9 degrees though!!!

Channel's still a bit nippy, innit. Went in yesterday in a spring wetsuit and was blooming frozen. Looks like I'm going to have to houdini in & out of the steamer for a wee bit longer .. but at least it's sunny when you get out :).
Woken at 5am this morning by a loud crack of thunder, followed by rain showers on and off all day and very dark looking skies. Temperature was still around 28 degrees and they are forecasting high 30s by the end of the week.

It's only the fourth time we've seen rain in almost a year here so can't complain.
