two track-id's please (luciano & villalobos)

It's definitely the enfants track
It is "Les Enfants" By Mr Villalobos, the samples come from Children songs from a French Singer for Kids called Christian Vander.
The lyrics are going like this" Am Stram Gram, pic et pic et colégram, bourre et bourre et ratatam am stram gram"
Could not believe it they did a track with that when i first heard it!:lol:
It is "Les Enfants" By Mr Villalobos, the samples come from Children songs from a French Singer for Kids called Christian Vander.
The lyrics are going like this" Am Stram Gram, pic et pic et colégram, bourre et bourre et ratatam am stram gram"
Could not believe it they did a track with that when i first heard it!:lol:

Christian Vander, drummer of the band Magma.