tunes that will be pumping come August?

Digger said:
For me, the weird thing was hearing Sun Rising Up several times, including twice at Matinee in the discoteca and the new terrace. And when Oliver played it as the sun was actually rising at La Troya, the new terrace crowd did that kneeling down thing (not me, I'm English and stolid and therefore find that sort of thing a bit, well, silly). I love a bit of queso as much as the next man but was nevertheless surprised to see the reaction this record is still getting.

I heard that tune too when i went at the beginning of the month. To be fair its one of those that I never get tired of hearing 8)
alexprobyn1 said:
its got to be 'put your hands up for detroit' fedde le grande. classsssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

I remember hearing MYNC project playing it in April at godskitchen and i never thought i'd get bored of it- i am, only very slightly mind, but a few more plays and its going to kill it:?