Tunes that when you heard in Ibiza, you felt like crying with joy?

having only been to ibiza 3 times, once when i didnt know what it was all about and caught space closing at the end of september, once last summer when i did and once a new year there. i can only really draw magical moments from last summer where i cant think of one defining moment, was just a magical week. my moment in ibiza has yet to come and hopefully my 4th and 5th visits this summer will provide some!
Barbie said:
A few off the top of my head:

BT (playing live) playing Flaming June @ Renaissance @ Pacha
Oakie playing Where the Streets Have No Name @ Perfecto @ Pacha
Lawler playing Everybody (All Over the World) @ We Love Sundays

Think i heard those too - very special seeing Mr BT (21/7/1999) John Digweed played after BT and dropped as his first track was truely amazing - a tribal remix of Strings of Life, which I've never managed to track down.

I didn't hear Oakie play U2 at Pacha - it was Cream, I don't remember much that night - too much cheap vodka!

Other moments for me which were usually when i first heard the tracks...
SomeDj @ Es Paradis water party playing Size 9 - I'm Ready, and Josh Winx - Higher State of Conciousnesssss...
John Pleased Wimmin dropping at 7am "I feel love (Rollo & Sister Bliss remix)" @ Cream [Privilege] (10/8/1995)
Danny Howells played "Bent - Always (Ashley Beadle mix) [a family fav!] with Lisa Stansfield "People Hold On" accapella over top.... @ WLS (27/6/1994) [same night Lawler played FPI Project "Everybody".. and James Zabiela played Kraftwerk Aerodynamik (Alex Gopher,Etienne de Crecy Dynamik mix) which nearly took my head off with my eye's still streaming! closely followed by an icey chill when he played Goldie/Mettlheadz - InnerCityLife (breaks mix)...
probably some more to add later when my memory wakesup! luck i still have my tickets & flyers to remind me where i was and prompt me to recall!

ExDjClive said:
I didn't hear Oakie play U2 at Pacha - it was Cream, I don't remember much that night - too much cheap vodka!

It was when Perfecto (RIP) used to be @ Pacha on Tuesdays. He used to play some of the best sets I've heard him play apart from his Courtyard days.
Barbie said:
It was when Perfecto (RIP) used to be @ Pacha on Tuesdays. He used to play some of the best sets I've heard him play apart from his Courtyard days.

ahh *sighs*, back in the day:lol: :lol:
Just had a memory flash, Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved, Space Discoteche - it was quite early evening and not that busy but it was flooded with smoke and i was looking for refuge from being baked on the terrace! Totally uplifting moment!
Beachball on the old terrace, In Bed with Space. 2004
Red Carpet - Alright, Erick Morillo @ Pacha. 2005
All of Carl Cox's warm up set on the Sunset Terrace @ Carl Cox Late Night Sessions. 2005