Travelling, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos

You can buy mushroom shakes etc but depends where u go. Thailand varies island to island tbh. Some it's no go, others u can find in your hotel bar
I'd say rabies jab for sure.. I got bitten by a dog in Thailand. Bit me through a fence I was walking past early hours of the morning. I didn't even know it was there. The following few weeks were quite scary.. Wouldn't want o go through that again
Apart from an indecent amount of "bumming around" I seem to remember Minimarc rented a kayak (or was it a moped ?) :twisted:
regarding tubing in Laous , it is no more... government clamp down

Really? Mind you there were a lot of injuries and a few deaths I think. There's defo no health and safety over there. We were absolutely off our faces on shrooms the day we did it I have to say. Possibly the most wrecked I've ever been. It was such a mint day though, floating up the river and stopping off at bars with rope swings and massive water slides. Up there in the top 10 best days of my life. Glad I got to do it.

I don't smoke but most of my mates do and had no problems over there but just use common sense
soz for late reply.
On Koh Phi Phi we rented kayaks which was good fun and the water is so clear. we paddled round to 'Monkey Beach' which is an experience in itself , those monkeys are vicious! Koh Phi Phi is quite touristy to be honest.
We Also went to Koh Lanta which is stunning but very quiet. Had my first experience on a moped which was fun but im not too good at it and nearly came off it a few times so not in a hurry to try again!
Koh Samet is a great little island , you get the bus from bangkok then a ferry. Its totally laid back with cafes / restaurants on a stunning beach and soe bars too. felt like it had the balance right. Coud have stayed there alot longer tbh.
We didnt actually do THAT much as we had just over 3 weeks and we wanted to relax rather than run around trying to see loads of places
Great info guys, thanks alot. fly out on january 14th til april 9th. cannot wait to go as i've only really been to Ibiza and a few other places in europe.
We Also went to Koh Lanta which is stunning but very quiet.

LOVED Koh Lanta but I was there with my then boyfriend so suited us fine. Absolutely gorgeous. They do have a few parties there from time to time but we just had a mega chill out there for 5 days as we had been with a group of 18 of our mates up til that point
Well after 3 months of travelling Asia I'm sat in a hostel waiting for a 12 hour bus back to Bangkok for our flight home. What can I say, Asia has blown my mind. Thanks for all the info everyone has given. I will be back, that is for sure!
Is it as depressing as the journey home from Ibiza? Hope you've got the energy to show us some pics of your travels when you've settled in :)
I would say its way worse than leaving Ibiza. When you have experienced such different cultures and felt soooo far from home it's def harder than coming back from Ibiza i rkn.
Brilliant - so glad you enjoyed it. I agree with Minimarc - never really had too much trouble coming back from Ibiza (except perhaps the last trip of the season but by that time in years gone by have usually had more than my fair divvies). Moving back across continents after a long spell away is always a shell shock and hard to adjust.
We are still in Bangkok waiting for our flight early Tuesday. It's a bitter sweet feeling as ive got a one way flight to Ibiza booked a month after I get home! Ill write a review on the flight home to pass some time :)