Traveling in late September -- Concerned :(


Active Member
Hey guys,

How are you all? My name is Alex, and I am a new member here.
I am from the U.S. (California).

I am planning a trip to Ibiza from 9/26 - 10/1.

During that time I am going to take a female friend along with me that has the same taste in music as I do. Her b-day is in 10/10, so I want to give her an early b-day present by taking her to see Swedish House Mafia (9/26) & David Guetta (9/29) at Pacha.

I have used this website, Pacha's website, and a tickets online website. None go past the month of July for early ticket purchases.

Now, I am a little freaked because I heard over the Sirius XM radio that Swedish House has only 1 show this year here in the U.S. Their show is in June and the tickets went on sale. With in 24hrs. they sold out to 85,000!!!

I emailed Pacha, and this is what was written back to me:

Dear Alexander,

Our tickets online will be available one month in advance, you can also registrer at to receive updates.


Jessica Capaz

So, now I'm worried because I am not sure when they will go on sale? How much? Etc.

Any help or insight for those who have done this before??
Also, I'm even more worried about the prices since it's the closing week for all clubs that we're traveling on.

Thanks everyone :)
you should be able to buy tickets online through spotlight in july or august.

if not you can get them on the island, it just might take some searching and bargaining.

don't worry.
you should be able to buy tickets online through spotlight in july or august.

if not you can get them on the island, it just might take some searching and bargaining.

don't worry.

Thank you greg.

Do you or does anyone else know what prices I should be expecting for these events?

I was browsing around the regular SHM & DG shows and I see an average of 70-90 Euros...

So, I'm thinking at least $200 U.S. avg per ticket :(
Thank you greg.

Do you or does anyone else know what prices I should be expecting for these events?

I was browsing around the regular SHM & DG shows and I see an average of 70-90 Euros...

So, I'm thinking at least $200 U.S. avg per ticket :(

the official ticket price will be about 70€ i think. it'd be more on the island.
I think you've chosen probably the two most expensive nights in the island.
Hope your friend appreciates it.. :D

Have you considered going to one of those nights and then going elsewhere on the other night? I'm sure there'll be loads of good cheaper nights that time of year if you're concerned about cost.
I think you've chosen probably the two most expensive nights in the island.
Hope your friend appreciates it.. :D

Have you considered going to one of those nights and then going elsewhere on the other night? I'm sure there'll be loads of good cheaper nights that time of year if you're concerned about cost.

Lol, it sucks because she's going to a Burning Man event during September, so we couldn't go earlier. So, we chose Sept. 22 - Oct. 10 to visit Spain & Italy.

So, I can't switch up the weeks with Ibiza & Rome because if I do, there are no more events after September.

I have considered other clubs, however, it all varies. I just don't want to make the mistake to hype this up, then not get any tickets :oops:

I'm having my uncle help me out with the party / dj line-ups for that week because he's a know-it-all when it comes to the dance/house scene.

So, here's a little update.
Maybe for those of you planning on traveling there or are new to this.

Hi Jessica,

Thank you for the prompt reply. However I am a little confused. One month from now (June?) or 1 month before the show (August?)?

Is there any way to know how much the 9/26 & 9/29 shows will cost per ticket?

Thank you,
Alex Araniba


One month before the event. I can't give you prices.


Jessica Capaz

Pacha Ibiza

Avda. 8 de Agosto s/n

07800 Ibiza
tel. 971 31 36 00
fax. 971 31 54 77
Your uncle sounds much cooler than all of mine.

Is he an ibiza regular?

Lol, actually he's never been to Ibiza. He just listens to a lot of dance/house/techno & other new main stream music that comes out.
When it comes to music he definitely knows his stuff. He's the one that introduced me to all that stuff when I was a kid. So, he's been listening to this back since the 80's...haha, he still has his turntable (edit: upgraded turn tables) :)
Lol, it sucks because she's going to a Burning Man event during September, so we couldn't go earlier. So, we chose Sept. 22 - Oct. 10 to visit Spain & Italy.

That's a fair September schedule your female friend has planned:D You not joining her for the Burning Man madness?
That's a fair September schedule your female friend has planned:D You not joining her for the Burning Man madness?

Lol, not my female friend that has planned the trip, it's me :D

And no, not joining her for burning man. .She asked me, but I think my life has suddenly spiraled into party mode in my mid-20's. :rolleyes:
But yea, she's 30 & loving life, so she does a lot of what she wants. I just need to take it slow for a minute :twisted:
Mate don't go to Pacha twice! If you're coming all that way then definitely check out at least one other club on a good night (I recommend Amnesia, or possibly Space).

Also consider going here on the Monday afternoon prior to SHM (if it looks like something you'd enjoy, bit more underground so maybe not your thing, also comparatively cheap at 30 euros):

I give this advice to everyone but only because I wish someone had told me about DC-10 before I went to Ibiza (amazing how many people have never heard of it).

Also do not worry about tickets, you'd almost certainly be able to get them on the island.
Mate don't go to Pacha twice! If you're coming all that way then definitely check out at least one other club on a good night (I recommend Amnesia, or possibly Space).

Also consider going here on the Monday afternoon prior to SHM (if it looks like something you'd enjoy, bit more underground so maybe not your thing, also comparatively cheap at 30 euros):

I give this advice to everyone but only because I wish someone had told me about DC-10 before I went to Ibiza (amazing how many people have never heard of it).

Also do not worry about tickets, you'd almost certainly be able to get them on the island.

I know, I was reading for these huge events that it gets really crazy. Thing is that I love the music from SHM & D.G. Nevertheless, I will venture around & look for spots to go to.
Thank you for the link btw, that looks awesome. I just am worrying about tickets because I have absolutely no information about them & don't know what to expect as far as prices...

Do you still get free entry if you eat in the restaurant? Could try that?

I was reading Pacha's information about a room. If you get a room for the night you also get entry to their club. But the rooms are so freaking expensive!
dc10 is about 30 euros you can get on the door no problem more or less the same price

(unless its changed recently)