Yeah it was a bit of a slog until Tonic got going. We did stop by the hotel for an hour on the way, knowing expecting the music to not be on till 9.30. But despite having done Cream and then blowing around €250 each on vodka limons in space for breakfast, hehe, will still found the means to keep going...
Although the cheers, poining and smirks from Brandon and later Alex suggested we felt better than we looked 8)
Actually what date did you go? 27th June was when we went (had it in the back of my mind that was the opening but not so sure now!) If it was teh same time, we spent a lot of the afternoon by the bar that would have been facing the bit you were on. There were three of us and we were with a couple of girls most of the time who were either very polite or really didn't mind that I couldn't really talk by then
Yeah spiderman is a bit of a legend. He was there wearing his trademark spiderman outfit absolutly off his rocker. He was dancing like a madman on the center podium for about 5 hours. I really don't think he could tell where he was for most of the time and the Blocko and the resident were killing themselves behind the dj booth at his antics. At one point he started doing a striptease (which was like watching a roadcrash, you don't wanna see but you can't help but look, LOL) Anyway someone pulled the suit down the rest of the way, so he just caried on waying his parts about in the fresh air for 20 min's until the security guy came over and made him redress! (hehe but not before a group of girls sneaked up behind him and all swiped their credit cards in his ass crack, LOL)
He was still going when we left at 4.30pm and was reported in Bora Bora after that, LOL.