Tips to go to Space

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fulano
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Hi Everybody,
It´s me again, just back from Ibiza...
As good Brazilians, Me and my mates have found a way to do everything in our way with lot of fun and not much money...

So, we have some tips for Space...
1 - go there after resting a little bit. Of course there´s no time to rest in Ibiza, and nobody goes there with this intention BUT, it will be 22 hours dancing, so , it´s good to rest a bit.

2 - You have the right to go out of the club and come back one time: Yes, when you get tired, go home, take a shower, dress yourself to the night, take a little nap, drink a lot of water and drinks and come back to the club.

3 - As everything in the club is expensive, and they don´t let you enter with water or any drink at all, PLUS the water in the batroom is salty, a good tip is to use something else to get high! :)
To get free water, ask for glasses with ice and drink the ice. Keep with yourself a bottle of water (can be the salty water) but use this to argue the reason of taking the glass of water. It´s to drink with your water.

I protested against the salty water and the lack of saying to me that the way out worked for just one time, but it´stheir rules.
ATENTION for that.

4 - The english girls are too difficult. Try to find girls from other nationalities. They ´re beautiful and charming too.

5 - When the terrace closes the get too crowded! Save some space for you guys. In the camarote, you can enter and sleep a bit. Take dark glasses and pretend you´re looking down. The security won´t bother you.

6 - Atention to the tall girls and girls with big mouth. Pay atention to their neck. There are lots of transexuals. (Maybe you want one, so, just the heterosexuals pay atention to this)

7 - Visit Brasil. It´s a continent-country, it´s 3 times cheaper and it´s 3 times more fun. During the summer. The beaches are 3 times bigger, the girl are 3 times more beautiful and there´s a lot of them.

That´s enough for today.
6 - Atention to the tall girls and girls with big mouth. Pay atention to their neck. There are lots of transexuals. (Maybe you want one, so, just the heterosexuals pay atention to this)

LOL!! this is the funniest thing i have ever read on these boards..


its almost top tips, viz style...

great post mate....

Fulano said:
7 - Visit Brasil. It´s a continent-country, it´s 3 times cheaper and it´s 3 times more fun. During the summer. The beaches are 3 times bigger, the girl are 3 times more beautiful and there´s a lot of them

Sao Paulo, expect me for march 2003 :D
São Paulo

Men, Run Away from São Paulo and Rio... Listen to me.
The real good places to go are in the Northeast and in the south.
Go to Santa Catarina, Bahia or Ceará (those are the names of the states).
I have the names of the cities or beaches to stay.
There are places to relax and places to have fun.

You will see what a real paradise is...
Fulano said:
4 - The english girls are too difficult. Try to find girls from other nationalities. They ´re beautiful and charming too.

What do you mean by difficult?

Good tip about keeping a bottle of salty water in order to get a glass with ice at the bar by the way. :D
Re: São Paulo

Fulano said:
The real good places to go are in the Northeast and in the south.
Go to Santa Catarina, Bahia or Ceará (those are the names of the states).
I have the names of the cities or beaches to stay.
There are places to relax and places to have fun.

You will see what a real paradise is...

I have family in Natal and Recife.....its beautiful... i spent 3 months there in 1994. The northeast of Brasil rocks!!

the cities are not as old and as beautiful as london,
But they have their particular way of beeing beautiful. The nature, the people.
We are very good at receiving people.

AND 1 Euro = 3,5 Reais. One beer at a expensive club is at most 2 Euros.
AND the water is not salty! The bottled water is cheap.
Usually the beer can is 1 or less than one Euro.

The only problem is the language and the distance.

We understand Spanish, thou. It´s close to portuguese. If you have been to Spain, you can go to Brasil.
I found the girls difficult because they didn´t want to talk...
The english ones.
I didn´t find them sympathetic.

They weren´t open to conversations and stuff.

And I wasn´t drunk, so , why to not talk to me? :)

Maybe because I was too "normal" (About my clothes.

Everybody had different hair and clothes and I was very regular.

In here, people is very open about talking and meeting new people, and I´m better dealing with french, german and Italian than with English girls
i love mum grew up there because my grandma and grandpa ran a cotton farm in Rio Grande do Sul in the 1950's - 1960's and then my grandpa re-married and settled in Natal.

I felt very welcome in your country and really want to go back! Love that beer - Antarctica or Brahma!!
Fulano said:
6 - Atention to the tall girls and girls with big mouth. Pay atention to their neck. There are lots of transexuals. (Maybe you want one, so, just the heterosexuals pay atention to this)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
McRackin said:
Fulano said:
6 - Atention to the tall girls and girls with big mouth. Pay atention to their neck. There are lots of transexuals. (Maybe you want one, so, just the heterosexuals pay atention to this)
:lol: :lol: :lol:

<waits for usual McPhoto on this>
Fulano said:
I found the girls difficult because they didn´t want to talk...
The english ones.
I didn´t find them sympathetic.

They weren´t open to conversations and stuff.

And I wasn´t drunk, so , why to not talk to me? :)

Maybe because I was too "normal" (About my clothes.

Everybody had different hair and clothes and I was very regular.

In here, people is very open about talking and meeting new people, and I´m better dealing with french, german and Italian than with English girls

Well .. I'm far from a girl .. and even AS a girl I would never be so ignorant as to ignore someone who was being friendly .. Shame you hadnt met me ! :D

And .. I'm VERy regular ... having had my mad stylee days way back in the 80's!

Fantastic post by the way .. ! ! !
I'm probably biased but whenever i've been to ibiza the english girls are charming and welcoming !! :D
either u've got really dodgy chat up lines or u've been after the brit girls in the west end.
Loved the post by the way ! ;)
K said:
Good tip about keeping a bottle of salty water in order to get a glass with ice at the bar by the way. :D

OK, I didn't get how this scam is supposed to work? Can one of you guys explain this one to me? I'm a little confused with the wording, I think.
(i THINK if im not mistaken)

when asking for ice, normaly they wouldn't give u some unless u buy something :? so the bottel of salty water would be a cover ;)


good tip is to use something else to get high!

MrSt0NeD said:
(i THINK if im not mistaken)

when asking for ice, normaly they wouldn't give u some unless u buy something :? so the bottel of salty water would be a cover ;)


good tip is to use something else to get high!


Ohhhh I gotcha. That's weird as in Amnesia and Privilege, they gave me water and ice for free.