Tips for keeping stuff safe while swimming ?

Scoobie said:
K said:
Yeah but you'd also have to anchor the duck to the sea bed or else it may just swim away with all your stuff......kind of defeating the purpose. :lol:

Not if it was in a safe as Buckley suggested! (unless its a very strong duck!) :lol:

They breed 'em from girders in Scotland, don't they K?
Little did I know that such an innocent query would cause such gushings of surreal madness !!

I was chilling in Glastonbury over the weekend and saw some glow in the dark plastic ducks for the bath . . . . .IDEAL !!.

This means that not only can you ram your belongings up the pulsing ducks rear, tie the glow in the dark duck to a real duck with jellyfish tassly stinging thingies then anchor the real duck to the sea bed (beak first) using a crate of Irn Bru but . . .

You can go Nightswimming too (you could even take REM and swim enigmatically in slow motion, although you would have to trance then up a bit first of course)

. .and if your fowl encased room key floated off around Es Vedra you could see it glowing in the distance and chase after it. Perfection !!

Issue solved - unless anyone has any sensible ideas !?
silvia said:
I always ask the closest person sunbathing if she/he would mind to take a look after my stuff. It's the most common here in Barcelona

Now you're just being silly :!: ;)
I've got a serious solution....i had the same problem whenever i went windsurfing coz i needed somewhere to put my car keys whilst i was on the water - but obviously the immobiliser will get screwed if they don't stay waterproof and equally I couldn't just leave my keys by the car...

so i bought a small one of these:

Its about the size of a small wallet and whenever i go swimming/snorkelling i put my cash and keys in it and its totally safe and dry. It's won loads of awards as a peice of design - I totally recommend it.

Sounds geekish i know but it works! 8)
That would come in handy for putting my important work documents in then I would never again have to suffer the embarassment of explaining how I had wazzed on my presentation.
silvia said:
I always ask the closest person sunbathing if she/he would mind to take a look after my stuff. It's the most common here in Barcelona

It's the most common in Rio as well.
Me and my 2 mates got our clothes stole by some dickhead in Tenerife last year but we saw him at it and chased him round the beach and caught him and gave him a few bruises to remind him for the next time he goes to steal someones stuff.
Buckley said:
silvia said:
I always ask the closest person sunbathing if she/he would mind to take a look after my stuff. It's the most common here in Barcelona

Now you're just being silly :!: ;)

NOw you bring it up again, why did you call me silly on here? :eek:
S Express said:
I've got a serious solution...

I dunno if that sounds more like something Turbo D might 'rap' or one of mini Dennis Waterman 'feem toon' improvisations....... :lol: