Thought I'd share my opinion


New Member
I don't really post on this forum much, however I have been frequenting it since I started going to Ibiza 4 years ago. I know that the majority of the people that post on here are older and much more experienced clubbers than I am. I have done my fair share though for my age, and what I'm annoyed at is all this 'not as good as it used to be talk'. I'm sure it was a lot better 10 years ago, and I'd have loved to have been around to experience the free parties/shared love etc etc... however I was running around in nappies at that time.

Anyway, my point being that there is a whole generation of clubbers around now, a lot more than there used to be and a lot of us aren't 'just there for the scene' or 'to get as wrecked as possible.' Personally I love the music, it's my main passion in life as I'm sure it is or was for a lot of you. I love going to disco nights, house, jazz, funk whatever. I also like going to techno/minimal nights and having been to DC10 a few times in the past few years I've loved it. I never got to experience what it was like 7 years ago, nor did I get a experience the old space terrace or KU. BUT I still love it when I go to these places now, as I'm sure many others do, for the same reason's they were enjoyed 5, 10, or 15 years ago.

For all the younger generation I can't account for the reasons everyone goes clubbing, or to Ibiza, but for everyone who is there to enjoy the the place, meet people, music and having fun let us carry on without being stigmatised as a generation of 'wrecked youngsters who's only reason of going to Ibiza is it's the place to be or to get off our nuts'.

Sorry for the rant,
for everyone who has been to ibiza, theres always an older generation who say its not as good as it used to be. they were saying it to the generation that brought alfredo's music back to london in the late eighties. i've only been going for 5 years and i already find myself reminiscing about the good old days!
I'm sure it was a lot better 10 years ago, and I'd have loved to have been around to experience the free parties/shared love etc etc... however I was running around in nappies at that time.

So I'm guessing that you're about 12 now then?

Or were previously incontinent
it's like the old joke.......

how many clubbers does it take to change a lightbulb?

FOUR! to change the bulb and three to stand around all night talking about how good the last one was
what I'm annoyed at is all this 'not as good as it used to be talk'. I'm sure it was a lot better 10 years ago, and I'd have loved to have been around to experience the free parties/shared love etc etc..

Anyway, my point being that there is a whole generation of clubbers around now, a lot more than there used to be and a lot of us aren't 'just there for the scene' or 'to get as wrecked as possible.' Personally I love the music, it's my main passion in life as I'm sure it is or was for a lot of you. I love going to disco nights, house, jazz, funk whatever. I also like going to techno/minimal nights and having been to DC10 a few times in the past few years I've loved it. I never got to experience what it was like 7 years ago, nor did I get a experience the old space terrace or KU. BUT I still love it when I go to these places now, as I'm sure many others do, for the same reason's they were enjoyed 5, 10, or 15 years ago.

I think you'll find if you do your homework, that most still enjoy Ibiza, it is still a very special place, and NOT just for the clubbing. But you get this '...oohh its not like it used to be in my day...' in any walk in life, about most situations.

I gurantee with a few more years of Ibiza under your belt you will be doing the same, but it doesnt necesarily mean you dislike it. ;)

Fair comment like, there is alot of negativity here, and alot of it is understandable.

Or were previously incontinent

Ibiza can do that to you :lol:
I hear ya, Cameron. And I'm with you.

This will be my 8th year going and I still have as much fun as ever. Of course, that falls a little under your 10-year threshold. :lol:

There's been a lot of doom and gloom this season and while there are a thing or two even I've had a moan about, I'm supremely confident it will have little/no effect on the overall quality of my visit.

In my book, the right word isn't "better" or "worse", but different. Every year is a bit different. That's actually probably a good thing. The strong adapt.
it's like the old joke.......

how many clubbers does it take to change a lightbulb?

FOUR! to change the bulb and three to stand around all night talking about how good the last one was


Different topic but what do you call a cow in space?? A Moo F O :rolleyes:
Gave up vinyl a long time ago, overpriced IMO.

Now I use a decent laptop, with Ableton and Traktor.

Get your tunage from, it's proper bo.
I think there is far too much negativity here- I went to Ibiza 2 weeks ago for the first time & had the time of my life - I am 25, so not an 18yr old on his 1st hol without mum & dad.

maybe it was better 10 yrs ago?? ..personally i couldn't care less how it was 10yrs ago as you can't live in the past nor can i go back 10 yrs to see how it was!

I think that there are many older clubbers that maybe use that as an excuse as they see the island full of 20 something's (which I'm sure they were 10 yrs ago, when "Ibiza was at it's best") & maybe a part of them is resentful that they are no longer a care free 20 something ??

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying anyone over 30 is past it... far from that, I know many people over 30 who are great guys & know how to party.

All I am saying is that if Ibiza isn't what it used to be or if you think it's no longer the place it was, then rather than spending hours posting about it & being negative, simply find a new destination that is what you consider to be the complete holiday destination-

Ibiza was there before us & will be there for many yrs after us & the people that holiday there will undoubtedly change with each generation, so rather than hate it I say you should simply embrace it!
After all no one forces you to go to Ibiza yr after yr...
Everything is relative, i 1st went in 91, however its still very special, which is why i keep going back!

totally agree about the relative think, my first trip was in 1995 and that was special as it was my first memories, ever since then it gets better and as Morbyd said I prefer to say its 'different' to when i first ventured there. People need to open their eyes more in ibiza, theres always somethin new and different to explore every year you go, its not just about the music.

The more youve experienced something the more you take it for granted
I think there is far too much negativity here- I went to Ibiza 2 weeks ago for the first time & had the time of my life - I am 25, so not an 18yr old on his 1st hol without mum & dad.

maybe it was better 10 yrs ago?? ..personally i couldn't care less how it was 10yrs ago as you can't live in the past nor can i go back 10 yrs to see how it was!

I think that there are many older clubbers that maybe use that as an excuse as they see the island full of 20 something's (which I'm sure they were 10 yrs ago, when "Ibiza was at it's best") & maybe a part of them is resentful that they are no longer a care free 20 something ??

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying anyone over 30 is past it... far from that, I know many people over 30 who are great guys & know how to party.

All I am saying is that if Ibiza isn't what it used to be or if you think it's no longer the place it was, then rather than spending hours posting about it & being negative, simply find a new destination that is what you consider to be the complete holiday destination-

Ibiza was there before us & will be there for many yrs after us & the people that holiday there will undoubtedly change with each generation, so rather than hate it I say you should simply embrace it!
After all no one forces you to go to Ibiza yr after yr...

Do you read the Reviews Section? I think you will find the majority of the posts from us "older" members give a pretty good balanced review...... we dont all moan that its "not as good as it was back in the day"..........:lol::lol::lol::lol:
totally agree about the relative think, my first trip was in 1995 and that was special as it was my first memories, ever since then it gets better and as Morbyd said I prefer to say its 'different' to when i first ventured there. People need to open their eyes more in ibiza, theres always somethin new and different to explore every year you go, its not just about the music.

The more youve experienced something the more you take it for granted

Like anything, its evolved!!
Do you read the Reviews Section? I think you will find the majority of the posts from us "older" members give a pretty good balanced review...... we dont all moan that its "not as good as it was back in the day"..........:lol::lol::lol::lol:

no offence intended, like i prev stated- I am not saying all "older" people are past it,
nor am i indicating that they are all moaning- The majority, as you say, have given Ibiza great reviews & i have no problem with that- in fact these are the type of people I spend many hrs talking to whilst there!

what I am saying though is that there is negativity on here,
granted this is the minority and NOT the majority- this is who I am moaning about, the minority that b***h about how Ibiza has gone down hill & not what it used to be.

Change happens & we can do nothing about it- after all 10-15 yrs ago in the "good old days" would we have had this forum to meet like minded people? or get all the info we need prior to our Ibiza experience?
- :D
no offence intended, like i prev stated- I am not saying all "older" people are past it,
nor am i indicating that they are all moaning- The majority, as you say, have given Ibiza great reviews & i have no problem with that- in fact these are the type of people I spend many hrs talking to whilst there!

what I am saying though is that there is negativity on here,
granted this is the minority and NOT the majority- this is who I am moaning about, the minority that b***h about how Ibiza has gone down hill & not what it used to be.

Change happens & we can do nothing about it- after all 10-15 yrs ago in the "good old days" would we have had this forum to meet like minded people? or get all the info we need prior to our Ibiza experience?
- :D

none take dandan, but I would say people are dwelling on the 20% of "negative" posts and not looking to the 80% positive posts.

If they get you down, dont read them, they're just opinions, everyone has them, they're like arseholes...... :lol::lol::lol:

I personally like the diversity of the comments on here, its what a discussion board is for, I would be totally against a 100% "Ibiza is the bollocks" website, no one to debate with ???? Not for me ......... 8)8)