this or that

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ministry with bob sinclar or turnmills with roger sanchez 8hrs which would u choose and why?i am in a dellima :roll: :roll:
Easy easy. Roger Sanchez. He's one of those cash money djs that really earns it in my opinion. First, the music is ON -- no down time; just when you think it's safe to go to the toilets or top up the vodka red bull, he lays a "cannot miss" track down. Second, the vibe is THERE -- I've never seen a happier group of people as when I'm at RS -- and I've seen him in three very very different venues/cities. Third -- it's a guaranteed night OUT; eight hours. EIGHT HOURS. Y'all ain't stoppin. Plus bed kicks A**. It's managable and friendly.

I'm a bit jealous as that's an option; we were in the north last weekend -- back in Chicago this weekend. FYI -- sort tickets out before arrival, if you can. The door was sold out when he was there last time and we definitely sweated getting them for a bit. When in doubt, however, check with folks around the dj booths at neighboring warmup pubs.
Am going now :D

And the missus is tagging along too :P

Was too late to get tickets but my mate ran into someone tonight with some so ITS ON ;)
seanbelfast said:
ministry with bob sinclar or turnmills with roger sanchez 8hrs which would u choose and why?i am in a dellima :roll: :roll:


I was planning on Going Sinclar at Ministry.

Didnt realise Sanchez was at turnmills.

Bugger, thats thrown my plans right in the air.

I did see the S-man at Turnmills last year tho. A wicked niught but it was toooooo packed and crowded. And Turnmills is THE worst club to be in when its packed.

Decisions Decisions...
Yeah I've got same dilemma - Sanchez or Sinclar. I've decided to do Ministry cos Turnmills is the worse club in the world when it is packed, I know some people who went to his last 8 hour extravaganza back in Nov and you literally couldn't move on dancefloor, let alone dance :roll:
how close is turnmills to central london i have seen sanchez before and have'nt seen sinclar still don't no where to go i like the thoughts of ministry rather than turnmills as a club but sanchez is so good
Turnmills is Farringdon so pretty central.

It is a bloody dilemma, it like waiting for a bus, you wait all day for one and then the Sanchez bus and the Sinclar bus turn up at the same time :roll: :P

All I would say is that Turnmills will be soooooooo rammed, and the layout of club isn't very good, if you're on dancefloor you're looking at 1/2 hour trek to get to bar or toilet when it's busy :roll: But then again it's 8 hours of the S-Man, depends on how much you like a bit of room to dance in a club cos there won't be much of it in Turnmills.
Doors open at 11pm, I am normally first one in the place cos I like to get my full 9 hours in (first on the podium last one out when the cleaners are sweeping up around me :P ) but you don't need to get there that early. The Bar and Baby Box will be open at 11pm but the Box doesn't open til around midnight.

Btw Ministry has changed closing times as of this wk and it is now going to close 7am Sunday morning which I'm not happy about cos means hour less dancing time :roll:
cheers i am going to just go to ministry this time as it is abit of an institution for house music i will look out for ya then i will probably head down about midnight really looking forward to something different from my normal weekend shenaghans should be a large one
Cool, just look out for mad blonde bird on podium left hand side if looking from DJ booth :P Cookie managed to find me on Sat on this description lol :P

Are you going to get on paying guestlist, you can get in bit cheaper, I think £12 instead of £15.
Text your name to 84188 (you need one text per person you want on paying g/list) and they'll send you confirmation. Just looked on June flyer and it says £10 reduced entrance.
Barbie said:
Cool, just look out for mad blonde bird on podium left hand side if looking from DJ booth :P Cookie managed to find me on Sat on this description lol :P

Are you going to get on paying guestlist, you can get in bit cheaper, I think £12 instead of £15.

Believe me, it's not difficult :lol:
cookie said:
Believe me, it's not difficult :lol:

Cheeky monkey lol :P I let you off on Sat night and didn't bash you with my pink headbag but if you carry on being cheeky all I can say is be scared, very scared this Saturday ;)
LOL :lol: In that case will be on my best behaviour between now and saturday, you know I've got a pink hadbag phobia :P