The Walking Dead

Life of Rye

Well-Known Member
Any fans!?

On tonight and excited to see the escalation of the inevitable battle against the saviors!

I reckon the kingdom are going to join the force and this will in my estimate be due to Carol convincing Ezekiel to help Rick

But will Negan know they are going to attack?
Don't forget that all women tribe - they will also reappear at some point ! Tiger will rip negan apart end of season or next :lol:
Don't forget that all women tribe - they will also reappear at some point ! Tiger will rip negan apart end of season or next :lol:

There is supposed to be the most goriest scene in its history for the end of this season so you could be right!

The women with all the guns!? Yeah forgot about them actually

I reckon the scrap yard is where the battle will commence and they will use walkers to help them with all the body armour on what you reckon :?:
Missed it last night so cannot comment!

I think it is inevitable that Negan will lose but what characters are we going to lose in it all!?
This new season has been bit a bit slow to get off the ground..

How many more seasons has this got left to go?

Did anyone stick with Fear of the walking dead?
Still watch it.
They will carry it on for as long as they can. The comic books are wayyyy further ahead.
It's definitely fallen into the trap of having 4 good episodes and 12 episodes of fluff per season now :(

Fear The Walking Dead has been interesting, I've enjoyed seeing it in a different setting.
Did that woman tribe leader say her name was "Jadus"? Sounds an awful lot like Judas!

I've lost hope tbh... though i still watch. Reasons the script-writers need sacking:

1) They've got a character called Jesus, who looks like... erm, Jesus. (yeah. really)

2) King Zek who acts like King Alfred and speaks in olde Englishe (which f***in' moron came up with this shit?!?! Sack them. Sack them immediately)

3) The continued existence of Enid.

4) The continued existence of Carl.

5) Gregory's diabolical acting (worse than Enid and Carl's. Granted, this is not the script-writers fault. Sack casting as well)

Also, whilst I'm on a rant. Is anybody else completely perplexed how we're now 5-6 (7?) series in, and our heroes are still bumping into survivors who wouldn't last 5mins in a Black Friday sale at Millwall away?! Who comes up with this tripe?!

It's really terrible, with few saving graces. I think even die-hard fans will admit that we're watching out of habit and blind-loyalty.
I'm losing interest in it to be honest, it just seems to be the same old thing over and over again - I would be quite happy for Negan to wipe Rick and his tribe out - at least he spices things up a bit!! :spank: :lol:
I watch it but not religiously. I missed all of the first part of this season so I have no idea whats happening now.. thats the way I like it..:)
Has Eugene taken a liking to Negan or is he playing a game?

The last scene he looked like a leader....

People seem to be taking a liking to him
JDM's portrayal of Negan is class. Deserves more screentime. I'm find the trouble with Negan at the moment is that he's too enigmatic. He's too likeable! Make us hate him!! Or pull swerve of the century and turn Rick heel!

Eugene's character development is one of the better aspects at the moment. I like where his storyline is heading.

Anybody else think they kinda wasted a good opportunity with the Daryl hostage plot? They really could've rolled more with that imho. Given him a bit of Stockholm Syndrome and even had him turn allegiances, even if he was only doing it because he didn't want his friends to get hurt.