The thread where we might talk about something else other than sex...maybe?

What are peeps thought on Hong Kong :?: Friends tell me its amazing, and I'm due to go in the spring. I'm really looking forward to it.

depends where you go.

stick to the city areas, and its like any big city.

go out into the countryside, and you'll see a whole different look on life, plus hardly anyone out in the sticks will speak scouse, so its an adventure in itself. ;)

Not sure if Sarah will be out there in the spring - she has to go to Shanghai/HK next weds for another 2 weeks.
I'll be there! :D

i think we're going regardless of if i get into the Half or not...

Some NYC tips:

Do go up the Rockefeller, much better view of the Empire State, than you'll get from the Empire State. (and at dusk too ;)).

Do avoid Times Sq - Think Leicester Sq. but full of americans. :lol: - much better places to eat/shop in Meatpacking/SoHo.

Do use the Subway - you'll never moan about the cleansiness of the Tube ever again.