The Streets

class act

saw them on J Ross last night - v.cheekily asking if it was past the watershed yet so he could swear :P
macdonsj said:
saw them on J Ross last night - v.cheekily asking if it was past the watershed yet so he could swear :P

saw that last night and have to agree with mitsummer. what a load rubbish.
i've been having a sneaky preview of the new album and IT IS BRILLIANT

you really need to listen to it all the way through at least once to understand it...

my advice is come monday ...
buy it
go home
have a BIG smoke
and sit back and enjoy
i like the streets

it fresh and intresting unlike all the mandain r-n-b which sounds the same.

listern to the whole first album the judge it..

the new track is class and brings a smaile to my face i think it's good quirky song..
I've got the new album too and I'm far from convinced...I know its original stuff and thats good, but it feels a bit poor lyrically. Track four is good as is the one near the end with the girl singing in harmony...otherwise I'll give it a couple more goes and see if it grows. :?
I think the new single has made the streets really. Not that keen myself until i heard this new tune, still not really liking them but its funny as f(ck. Housemates going to see them at B'ham Academy next week 8)