the streets


Active Member
ive heard the new single a few times now and actually have to say its shit,went and listened to there old album the other day and to be honest thats a bit shit too when ages ago i thought it wernt too bad-what does everyone else think.
Very over-rated.

Some decent tracks on the album (Weak Become Heroes is rather fine) but the rest is funny on a first listen and then just gets dull. Imo, of course. ;)
i love the new track

very cheeky! and the titles true - you know the girls (and guys) who are like that - fit and they know it too much

they know toooooo muuuuch
Don't like it, never have.

It's like listening to a conversation between two rude bwoys in their grp accessorised Citroen Saxo's :roll: :lol:
But hes just talking over a beat he doesnt even ryme most of the time and to add to that he puts sum cheesy kinda i cant be botherd to sing but ill try corus in , my opinion ! :lol:
Mike Skinner is the Daddy, still cane the first album all the time and can't wait to here the new album, hoping to catch The Streets on tour as well, saw them @ Homelands last year and it was awesome set.
mike skinner=celebrity chav

True, true.

He was at T In The Park last year and started his set with something along the lines of 'you Scots think you're well hard, but I could have you all'. :roll:
discodude said:
this is all too harsh
he is such a good bloke and raps/sings about real life
he is our voice
get real please folks
:evil: :evil: :cry: :cry: :?: :?:

I think a lot of people just don't get his sense of humour and irony, I for one can't wait to see him live again :D

And I pity anyone who has to produce that 'difficult' second album after a debut like he came out with but I'm sure the boy will do good :D

And also, he seems like a genuine really down to earth bloke, we met him in Space last year and Tom had really long conversation with him and he was a proper diamond geezer ;)
They should throw all copies of the latest single into the streets. I love hearing brits speak, but that track is pure tosh.
It just annoys me how he is compared to people like Ian Dury, Billy Bragg and Terry Hall who are/were infinitely superior.
he doesnt compare himself to them does he?

and he made the album in his bedroom on a laptop so its gotta be fairplay really

it says a lot of things that need saying dont ya think?
and them beats arent half bad either!