The medical tent at Global Gathering. Funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life

It's 'keel over, keel over'.

Then once he's down 'he fell over, he fell over'.

I think the guy in the global tent is in a worse state though.:eek:
I miss meeting lots of new people, espcially the ladies!

Excuse the lip in this picture, I got a cold sore the day before I flew out!

Ooooh, just seen it with sound, and you're right, a bit scary and a bit disturbing too.:eek:.

I originally saw it at work with the sound off, and almost immediately started doing that silly guffaw that all professional office internet surfers and emailers know only too well ;) and then went beetroot red:oops:, praying that no one clocked me and asked me what I'm laughing at!

Look at what we have though:

Standing gurning guy stage left....check

Odd woman looking like she's posessed and about to give birth....check

Guy at the back asleep just wanting to hide away fom it all and for everyone to shut up!...check

Guy rolling round, and then fully rolling over like Jurgen Klinsman at the Somme...check!:lol::lol::lol:

Security guard, the only sane one amongst them, just standing there arms folding thinking wtf?!

And funniest of all, someone actually had the brainwave of filming it all!!!!

(Apologies if I've offended anyone though ;))

Oh, and don't know why everyone always puts these scene's down to K overdoses. I'mnot saying it annoys me, but it does smack of a kind of Daily Mail-esque moaning wen they have no experience of said drug. From what I gather and seen, someone in a k-hole does not roll around or move quickly at all. Plus the fact K's only really been trendy for the last few years, and I'm sure I've seen scene's just as bad (though not probably as funny ;)) a fair few times over the years. In fact I've seen much worse at chucking out time at the Royal Bell in Bromley :lol::lol::lol:

Still, whatever the pill poppers wany to say to convince themselves they're ok ;)

That I could sit and watch all day...

Brilliant description as well...

"video of folk on drugs in a first aid tent. yakety sax added for comedy purposes. "
That's actually quite disturbing to watch, ive been on the Rave scene 17 years now and i can honestly say ive never been as completely fuc*ed up as that zombie crawling all over the floor no doubt full of that disgusting Ketamine, in fact the mind boggles as to why anyone would want to consume that disgusting drug, a BLOODY HORSE TRANQUILIZER:eek:
they look like they are smackin out on the pills more than anything

i agree with dan... pure daily mail-ed-ness

still, wouldn't touch K if you paid me
i guess it just scared me.Im a nurse and ive treated people like that but usually its from head injuries(although i suppose you could say they have had a kind of head injury ??)The scary thing is not everyone recovers and damage to those old brain cells can be permanent
No way is this k this is definitely ghb!! i've seen a mate go 'spaz' through doing too much gb and this is how he looked. K doesn't make you jittery especially if you don't overdo it. I've been doing it for years, using the proper amount and i've just had great times all round :lol:
Some people act differently on drugs, for example I know someone that can dance like a loon all night on K ;)

Another person acted like the guy/girl in the video. It wasn't a pretty site :eek:

I love this video btw :lol::lol::lol: I am sure this is going to be the first of many.
Evil sirens going straight to hell.......that loony dancer is a great dancer (well in my mind anyway and that's all that matters) haha :lol:
im so with you there thats ****in hillarious!!

Just forwarded it to all my global mates!!!


I think its more funny if your a wreckhead :twisted:
I think its a **** video and the person who shot it needs to grow up....I mean who gets off on others rolling around spangled on K, GHB or whatever the funk they are taking....:rolleyes:... have they nothing better to do with there time at a dance festival they paid good money to go to :confused:
I think its a **** video and the person who shot it needs to grow up....I mean who gets off on others rolling around spangled on K, GHB or whatever the funk they are taking....:rolleyes:... have they nothing better to do with there time at a dance festival they paid good money to go to :confused:

Bore off.