The medical tent at Global Gathering. Funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life

:lol::lol::lol: One of our party (won't mention any names but I'm sure you can guess :lol:;)) went into First Aid cos his wellies had given him blisters :lol::lol::lol: The paramedic told him he might not be seen for quite a while cos he was a 'non-emergency case' :lol:
That scares me... why would anyone want to get like that! It's honestly like watching people with cerebal palsy or something. Shocking.
Funny but scary! Beckiboo my brother has cerebal palsy and even he donesn't jerk around that badly! It is shocking eh? Is it just me or is this what ketamine is doing to the young 'uns these days?

Mind you when I used to go to raves etc back in the day I always used to pay a visit to the medical tent - usually for a heat (and for something to do! - and would sit in wonder at all the strange creatures etc in there. Me and my pal would go round everyone talking them out of their bad buzz and getting buckets for them to spew in! Sickos that we were!:twisted:
I just think any drug that can change someone that much cannot be good! To make someone who is physically and mentally sound into someone who seems to have lost the ability to speak, walk and communicate, its not good for you!
I agree - it's not big and it's not clever!

I've had some mad times myself but never got into that kinda of state! Must have an iron constitution...
I know, I'm all up for having a good time and everything but they do not look like they're having fun!
No they don't. I wonder where that guys mates were.....that's sad.

Also the girls mate kept clawing at her - thats the wrong thing to do if your mate is in a bit of a state like that....

Kids these days eh? :rolleyes:
I just think any drug that can change someone that much cannot be good! To make someone who is physically and mentally sound into someone who seems to have lost the ability to speak, walk and communicate, its not good for you!

you should lay off it then!!!

hahaha - "Funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life ..." ???
you most be a poor guy ...

this is ... whatever ...
but certainly NOT funny

hahaha - "Funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life ..." ???
you most be a poor guy ...

this is ... whatever ...
but certainly NOT funny

I have to disagree mon ami! All thinks being equal, without wanting to wish an unfortunate situation on my fellow its not funny.

However, taken in the context that they were probably ok in the end & volunteered to take it, it is one of the funniest things & I have forwarded it on to a number of pals who thought the same!