The last ever track played in Space

If i could choose i would prefer this one. I think it was the first tune at Space where i saw something on everybody's face that i can't describe. Long live the old terrace ! '' together in ...":). And of course many tunes followed. First set foot in Space 1995 last visit 2004. Always came back to Ibiza never back to Space :(

Well, I think it's going to be something happy and cheesy, EVERYONE is going to love it, and then Pepe and Carl and going to cry setting off most of the room !
I always dreamt with the possibility of listening this one as a last track some place:

Now that closing isn't going to finish with morning light, this track doesn't adjust very well as the last one
If i could choose i would prefer this one. I think it was the first tune at Space where i saw something on everybody's face that i can't describe. Long live the old terrace ! '' together in ...":). And of course many tunes followed. First set foot in Space 1995 last visit 2004. Always came back to Ibiza never back to Space :(

I was there..:) never liked that track till I heard it at space one morning..
Hadn't thought of this and I think its a nice idea...Carl Craig:

"I would play something that Pepe would cry to. I always loved ‘Fly Like An Eagle’ - the way it ends! But what would I play? ‘Let No Man Put Asunder’ because at the end, it says, 'It’s not over, it’s not over, it’s not over…' Yeah that would be the last song - that would be incredible."

There are a few I'd play, but I think it would have to be an old skool floor banger. I'd probably go with this uplifting one rather than a sombre one.
My first time at Space (1999) I heard this track in a monday morning at the original terrace, maybe around 11.00 AM. Completely full of love.

I don't think fit very well as a last track, but I hope listen it once again
There are a few I'd play, but I think it would have to be an old skool floor banger. I'd probably go with this uplifting one rather than a sombre one.

Nice but for Passion, and I think the best final track for Space, it would have to be this :

Nice but for Passion, and I think the best final track for Space, it would have to be this :

I did actually think about this one aswell. Space needs to go out with a bang. Some proper old skool tune that everybody loved and danced to back in the day. This one is another belter.
This played at the right time in the morning and I would happily say" adios amigo's im going across to the beach"..:)