The highlight of my trip to Spain....

I know this fella. :lol: I don't mean we drink together or anything, but I've seen him around. Were you on Rambla de Poblenou?
I know this fella. :lol: I don't mean we drink together or anything, but I've seen him around. Were you on Rambla de Poblenou?

LOL, no way!! I think that was it, our hotel was on Calle Pallars, and that intersected the street where this cafe was. The funniest part was we went back to that street 2 nights later and he was there again, this time with a beer in hand and a Nascar hat on.
Yeah, he's always there. You were lucky, I've seen him go up to people at their table and start shaking his fist and berating them. :lol:

We were there in April this year in what we thought was sweltering weather and saw a group of similar guys sat with bottles wearing big fur coats which later doubled as their sleeping bags!

Sadly we were not treated to any singing, you were honoured:lol::lol::lol:

I have heard far worse on X-Factor:o