The end of El Row?!!?


Well-Known Member

Yep, all good things come to an end eventually :

"Hoy está siendo un día emotivo para nosotros, se nos remueve un poco el cuerpo con el anuncio de la despedida, y es que no es para menos, cerramos, pero lo hacemos por todo lo alto con 7 ÚLTIMAS FUNCIONES en las que queremos daros todo lo que hemos recibido del que consideramos mejor público del mundo. Gracias de corazón a todos/as y cada uno/a de vosotros/as. El show debe continuar."

It's been coming for a while
^^ Hesitate and the moment is gone. Don't worry too much the club already peaked a couple of years back when the parties were early morning to late afternoon rather than overnight. I only just made it before their licence was revoked the 1st time. Bit like DC-10 you kind of missed the best of it ages ago really.
It seems like they will focus more on taking their show in the road, which is probably where the money is. The club was amazing though, proud to be one of the few Americans to have experienced it.
Yeah i knew that but still fancied checking it out.

i won't lose any sleep over it right enough.

Don't worry Russell it's just another 'infamous venue' certain groups choose to beat everyone else with that didn't have the opportunity to go to (some kind of righteous high horse malarkey). For some reason it brings out rank snobbery in people. Probably best to file under Studio 54, The Hacienda, The End, the Old DC10 etc etc bla bla bla.
Don't worry Russell it's just another 'infamous venue' certain groups choose to beat everyone else with that didn't have the opportunity to go to (some kind of righteous high horse malarkey). For some reason it brings out rank snobbery in people. Probably best to file under Studio 54, The Hacienda, The End, the Old DC10 etc etc bla bla bla.
you forgot to add to that list: bar25 in berlin...what a club that was:)lol

i did manage to visit el row once, after a friday night at Sonar in 2011, i wasn't in the best condition it has to be said, only stayed about 4 hours...i even missed them opening the roof up...still had a great time, i thought the club was pretty cool...darius syrossian happened to be on, which i only found about about a year afterwards:)

as for that list.
i'd kill quite a few people in order to get a time machine to visit:

wigan casino, studio 54, paradise garage, hacienda, original tresor
as i posted in the other forum if the ibiza party is any to go by i REALLY hope they continue
How good is El Row, Ibiza? Wasn't planning on going but heard loads of good things

Look if you're the sort that likes to experience a mixing masterclass with a well constructed set and listen to the most groundbraking underground tracks this is not for you.

If you're looking for a fun night with unpretentious crowd and lots of weird and funny s***t going on everywhere round you then go along.

Don't get me wrong I probably wouldn't go to this every night, but it provides a very pleasant change to other nights where people are more interested in looking cool than having fun.
Ibizaesque as in nowadays or as in how DC-10 used to be ?

I've used the wrong term- just a decent relatively underground club, pref open air. Not like the ritzy. house, deep or shallow preferred.

Google comes up with these massive places on the front and la terrazza which sounds a bit shit.