The dreaded malia....

I once declined a lads holiday to Kos. My mates all thought I was mad.

I preferred Kos to Malia. Not as many knobheads. Would consider going back to Kos for a weeks hol, but wouldn't place it at the top of my list.

I know a lot of people who haven't been to Ibiza because they think it 'isn't their scene' or too expensive. I think a few of them would change their tune if they actually spent one night on the island.

Yeah, I think that's a fair point. I was probably one of those people once upon a time.

I did Malia in 2010...

There was this one particualr bar at the top end of the strip where it specialised in fish bowls - you HAVE to go there - think there was a famous fish bowl called the 'head f**ker' :lol:

I think I know the one you mean. I can vaguely recall sucking some quite vile concoction through a ridiculously long straw with half a dozen friends. At the time it seemed like a good idea.

All i will say is stay off them bl**dy quad bikes!!

^^ This.

I've not done any of the other party islands... if my heart and soul belong to Ibiza, is there any point in going to the others?

Probably not... but it might make you appreciate Ibiza even more. These places are fun, especially with a large group of friends, but as already mentioned its the same thing night-in, night-out. Probably far better off trying the nightlife in Berlin, Paris or one of the European festivals than going to one of those Greek 18-30s resorts.

Drinking to that extent is rubbish... I honestly don't see the fun past a certain stage.

The older I get, the more I feel the same.
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I've not done any of the other party islands... if my heart and soul belong to Ibiza, is there any point in going to the others?

TBH if i had done Ibiza first i probably wouldnt venture to any other party island, so im kinda glad i 'experienced' zante and malia....but i could also be tempted by a napa visit as well :lol:
The older I get, the more I feel the same.

It's not to say I don't like being intoxicated, but alcohol is honestly one of the dullest/most anti-social drugs and the vibe suffers when it's the only thing on offer. 2 or 3 pints of vodka + red bull can be fun though if drunk pretty quickly. :lol:

WRT 'party islands', part of me wouldn't mind a bigger sampling of Shagaluf - plenty of vice, up for it girls, etc there, plus you got Majorca Rocks and smallish chance of something half decent at BCM.
Is it maybe "The Loft" your thinking of? Was there about 4/5 years ago, was something like 2 drinks and 5 shots for 10 euros :lol:

*Vicky googles it....*

Its called the 'Help Bar' :lol:

Very appropriately named bar - also has a swimming pool out the back which is very odd lol
*Vicky googles it....*

Its called the 'Help Bar' :lol:

Very appropriately named bar - also has a swimming pool out the back which is very odd lol

YES! Twas the same place. The swimming pool out back feature confirmed it for me!
I went to Ibiza 97.98.99 then got roped into Faliraki. Had a laugh cos of who I was with but I was bored absolutely shltless with the nightlife after 4 or 5 days. Even the west end was miles better. Never got tempted again with those shlt greek "party" resorts
WRT 'party islands', part of me wouldn't mind a bigger sampling of Shagaluf - plenty of vice, up for it girls, etc there, plus you got Majorca Rocks and smallish chance of something half decent at BCM.

Although there is decent nights at BCM now and again (Richie Hawtin not that long ago) magaluf is still a **** hole. I went about 10 years ago to Palma Nova and ended up in magaluf most nights. Saw fights every night - lots of people male and female at the pool with broken noses, heads stitched up etc. Don't know what it's like now but I imagine it ain't that different.

That's the cheap booze for you, it'd be a different story if there was a better club / pill scene there and less emphasis on getting pissed out of your mind every night. Next time I go to Majorca I'll stay Palma area.
Although there is decent nights at BCM now and again (Richie Hawtin not that long ago) magaluf is still a **** hole. I went about 10 years ago to Palma Nova and ended up in magaluf most nights. Saw fights every night - lots of people male and female at the pool with broken noses, heads stitched up etc. Don't know what it's like now but I imagine it ain't that different.

That's the cheap booze for you, it'd be a different story if there was a better club / pill scene there and less emphasis on getting pissed out of your mind every night. Next time I go to Majorca I'll stay Palma area.

Stayed in Palma last year & went through to Magaluf two nights (once for MR, which was great). Yes, rowdy & potential for trouble/accidents, but most people seemed friendly and there was other stuff going on. ;)
That is one thing I've always loved about Ibiza, the atmosphere is just so much more relaxed.
I think in the four years I've been going, I've seen three fights, two of which were due to the Gaurda Civil. The other one was over a girl around Hush / Subway
That is one thing I've always loved about Ibiza, the atmosphere is just so much more relaxed.
I think in the four years I've been going, I've seen three fights, two of which were due to the Gaurda Civil. The other one was over a girl around Hush / Subway

Hmm. I was once almost pick-pocketed in San An, plus last time I went (2 years ago) it was far more edgy - saw a guy walking around with blood streaming from his head after nutting someone in a bar (overheard this as 2 girls rushed to comfort him)! Myself and a mate also walked past guys in PDB who said stuff (can't remember exactly what) which was presumably intended to draw us into a confrontation.

Ibiza is not violence (or potential for violence) free!

When I say 'edgy' in relation to Magaluf, I mean more the chance of pissed people falling on you (though IIRC there was some sort of fight at MR, perhaps a girl threatening to beat up a guy :eek:). Girl at work went and was so drunk she fell head first out of a taxi and gave herself a nasty black eye/bruised face (on her 1st night).
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If the Inbetweeners lads can go to Malia and push a retarded kid in the pool without serious repercussions then that's good enough for me.

Never mind about that Ibiza place, sounds like the music distracts from the minge-pulling.
If the Inbetweeners lads can go to Malia and push a retarded kid in the pool without serious repercussions then that's good enough for me.

Watch the film again, I think you'll find they threw a wheelchair bound girl's towels into the pool, and a local child aged about 8 who cannot swim.
I tend to go to one of these resorts once a year with my mates who aren't all that fussed about clubbing as well as my Ibiza trip.

Always have a great time as the people I go with are great. Plenty of sunshine, cheap drinks and a good laugh always make for a good holiday.
After making use of your and everyone's kind help for the paper I am writing, I will try and make myself useful on here, too: I haven't been to Malia or Crete but I have travelled a fair bit around the Greek islands. Island hoping is great and takes you to many places without any tour operators, though I'd probably still put Mykonos and Ios on top of my list. Malia as a big resort is obviously different and somehow I never quite made it to Crete, but my parents and my sister went to the south of the island a few times (near Kalamki) and loved it as far as usual holiday things such as beautiful beaches, etc., go.

As for going for 11 days, I think if you are prepared to rent a car and get out of Malia, Crete has some amazing scenery, mountains and beaches. In terms of landscapes, some of the Aegean islands are really very beautiful. I suspect Malia itself will be your middle of the road tourist resort with the usual mix of British, Germans and a few Dutch where a "how bad can it be?"-approach probably takes you quite far. None of the Greek islands have anything like a music scene even a number of leagues below Ibiza (I am stating the obvious), but if you can deal with listening to the Greek and Cypriot Eurovision entries for this year (the girl who sung for Greece studied music at my uni by the way) again and again and then again, you will be fine!
I can identify with this, but many years ago!

Had the same problem where every year when we booked I wanted Ibiza but we ended up in Malia and Laganas (twice each). Then on the first year that I'd finally persuaded them to go to Ibiza did they not then go and do exactly what I told them not to do, and sign up to the rep's 'clubbing deal', for pishy nights in Eden, Es Paradis and Summum.

Don't get me wrong, I had a good laugh on those tackier holidays (even though the music mostly irritated me), suits late teens/early 20s.
i tend to go to one of these resorts once a year with my mates who aren't all that fussed about clubbing as well as my ibiza trip.

Always have a great time as the people i go with are great. Plenty of sunshine, cheap drinks and a good laugh always make for a good holiday.
