the best time to go to Ibiza?

Ibiza-girlie said:
I thought Sept was cold. went there on the 14th of Sept 2002, and didnt get to the beach or anything, was too cold!

I have had bad weather in September too...
Holly G said:
KarlosHx said:
I was there then!! It seems we wer always destined to be together :lol:

Aren't you going for silly dates this year? Ie. when we're not there?

If only i would have met you lot sooner i could of gone for sensible dates ;) :lol: but now i have to go in August :(
mambobirdette said:
Ibiza-girlie said:
I thought Sept was cold. went there on the 14th of Sept 2002, and didnt get to the beach or anything, was too cold!

I go 1st week September when its HOT HOT HOT! :D

IG, in Spain it's summer from late may till late september even early october. The hottes month of the year it's july.
Ibiza-girlie said:
I thought Sept was cold. went there on the 14th of Sept 2002, and didnt get to the beach or anything, was too cold!

Not a usual thing in September to be cold. If it's sunny, it's warm for sure and more likely pretty hot, but not as much as in July or August.