The best cat in the world...........

Thanks folks. I held her as they put her under and she appeared to be at peace.

Brokenhearted, of N London:(
It's hard to describe how much I miss her already. I've never really lost a person I couldn't do without. I remember very little, for example, of my grandparents, given I saw them once a year or so and then they died before I was a teenager. Relationships breakdown for a reason, so memories of girlfriends that have come and gone are always tempered by whatever problems caused them to go. I have no bad memories of Rachel, her only influence on my life was positive, so the sense of loss is just massive.

I know what you mean mate my Marmalade has been a constant for 10 years through good and bad. Cant imagine what id do with out him!
I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. I have 3 cats but they are my first pets (wasn't allowed to have even a goldfish when I was a nipper) so I've never felt the pain of loosing a fluffy one.

We took on a wobbly, blind, deaf 16-ish year old cat that was found in a gutter just over a year ago expecting her to last 6 months max as she was so frail, so I was determined not to get close to her - just give her a warm safe home for her last days. But here we are a year later - she's still wobbly, blind and deaf but she's grown fat and fluffy and unintentionally terrorises my other 2 cats by lurching blindly at them when she smells them :lol: Yes I've fallen for her, so it's not going to be easy when puddy cat heaven calls for her.

*sniff* god I'm off again....bloody hormones :cry:

Tell me a funny story about Rachel.
I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. I have 3 cats but they are my first pets (wasn't allowed to have even a goldfish when I was a nipper) so I've never felt the pain of loosing a fluffy one.

We took on a wobbly, blind, deaf 16-ish year old cat that was found in a gutter just over a year ago expecting her to last 6 months max as she was so frail, so I was determined not to get close to her - just give her a warm safe home for her last days. But here we are a year later - she's still wobbly, blind and deaf but she's grown fat and fluffy and unintentionally terrorises my other 2 cats by lurching blindly at them when she smells them :lol: Yes I've fallen for her, so it's not going to be easy when puddy cat heaven calls for her.

*sniff* god I'm off again....bloody hormones :cry:

Tell me a funny story about Rachel.

Awww.....wobbly cat is lucky you found each other.

Funniest thing about Rachel was her refusal to lose weight. Any attempt at calorie reduction and she just stubbornly adjusted her exercise regime accordingly, from very little to sweet FA! I loved her determined laziness sooo much.

She only ever brought in a couple of suicidal mice that ran purposefully into her path and even then she didn't manage to harm them. I ended up having to catch them and release them in a local park.
Awww.....wobbly cat is lucky you found each other.

Funniest thing about Rachel was her refusal to lose weight. Any attempt at calorie reduction and she just stubbornly adjusted her exercise regime accordingly, from very little to sweet FA! I loved her determined laziness sooo much.

She only ever brought in a couple of suicidal mice that ran purposefully into her path and even then she didn't manage to harm them. I ended up having to catch them and release them in a local park.


When she's comparing stories in Moggie heaven, all the other cats will be dead jealous mate.
**** Kofi - havent been on for ages and found this post - absolutely gutted for you!!

It will get easier - you will learn to adapt to living without them and the feeling of them not being there with you 24/7. After a while you will start to only think of the positive times and the funny incidents after a while and your memories will be less painful and more joyous....

I am still heartbroken after losing Harley and Benson and I have days where I think "I really think I am ready to make that step and take on another 2 dogs" but then I remember having to take them to the vets for the last time and I just dont think I could do that again....

I am now a surrogate auntie for any of my pals dogs these days and just dogsit when required....

Massive Puppy hug for you - and remember all the good times and the funny episodes you have had over the past 12 years... xxxx
I reckon Rachel asked friends to keep an eye on me. The new place I moved to has any number of cats visiting at any time. The missus and I have named them:

LC (little cat)
TC (tiny cat)
Big Blue

and there's normally at least three of them around at any one time8)
This thread made me a little teary today :oops:

Boardgirl - love your story of your wobbly cat, sounds cute and funny at the same time :D

I no longer have pets after moving out but my cat still lives at home with mum and dad - be devastated to find out if anything had happened to him.
I reckon Rachel asked friends to keep an eye on me. The new place I moved to has any number of cats visiting at any time. The missus and I have named them:

LC (little cat)
TC (tiny cat)
Big Blue

and there's normally at least three of them around at any one time8)

would you like to take ours off our hands?
i'm sad to read this thread,Buckley...:cry:

i feel exactly like you,two months ago my lovely cat left us after 14 years of happyness,he was like our baby...i miss him so much...


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