The best cat in the world...........


Well-Known Member

....may be on her last paws.:( She had cancerous lumps cut out of her chest a few weeks ago. It was a type that spreads but the vet thought they'd caught it early enough for her to be ok.

This morning she's struggling to breathe and they think it might be back and in her lungs. If it's that and not a chest infection (please, please let it be a chest infection), she will probably need to go.

X-ray results at 2pm-ish. *worried sick smiley*

Send her your thoughts, cat lovers.
I'm crossing everything mate :confused: :( I sincerely hope its good news.

Nothing prepared me for when I had to carry my Molly into the vets, and then left without her.

I hope you dont have to do the same pal X
All the best m8. I have always had at least one cat in my life for as far back as I remember and feel your pain.


Let it be good news.
Fingers crossed Buckers.

Went through something similar with our cat in the Spring.

Hope it works out ok.
Thank you all. Unfortunately, it's bad news. I'm going to the vets shortly to say goodbye. Absolutely heartbroken. 12 years of love and affection ends. It can be tough old world, eh?
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