The Apprentice - Semi Final

The first apprentice was quite interesting tho, reasonably balanced people in general who it was interesting to compare with real life etc, now its just the usual stick who ever in will be interesting & get them to shout at each other.

Sugar must sit there thinking your not running my local paper shop matey.
could that mean 'his" love...

crashed and burrrrnnnnd! :lol:

sadly no tales there, and you know how I like to tell an anecdote on here. Sorry.

she was heavily involved in the officer training corps... whilst I was heavily involved in the drunkard training corps - our paths rarely collided outside the lecture theatre...
not remotely bitter - I pity people like that who've never known love...

just find it interesting and obviously quite sad how some people are willing to whore their entire personalities for the sake of a few bucks...

you have to admire the way they play the game and sucker the tabloids but ultimately these are tragic people...

As opposed to living the dream of a lifetime of internet forums finding new, exciting and verbose ways to make whopping inaccurate generalisations about strangers.

Don't get me wrong, I've got about as much in common with the driven types that go on this sort of thing as I have with David Guetta, but each to their own eh?

(P.s. Only seen one episode of this one - the nice blond one's a shoe in but I've got Alan Carr in the office sweepstake :rolleyes:)
I've been saying since BB2 that it would more interesting if the people who were evicted were sent to jail for a year or had to do something terrifying like a postman in Bagdad.

And every year i see my dream getting closer and closer.

Olly,at the rate things are going I think you'll see live executions before long. It'll be like "The Running Man".

For the record i wanted that bird with all the teeth to win The Apprentice, but like agent undercover i reckon suralin must be guuted that he's got to give any of thema job :lol:
As opposed to living the dream of a lifetime of internet forums finding new, exciting and verbose ways to make whopping inaccurate generalisations about strangers.

Don't get me wrong, I've got about as much in common with the driven types that go on this sort of thing as I have with David Guetta, but each to their own eh?

(P.s. Only seen one episode of this one - the nice blond one's a shoe in but I've got Alan Carr in the office sweepstake :rolleyes:)

I've derived more entertainment from internet forums for FREE over the last 4 years than anything I've been co-erced to pay my licence fee for on the telly...